The Inner Mystery School of Divine Love, June 2nd, 2017!

The Inner Mystery School of Divine Love

With Shannon Port

Starts Friday, June 2nd, 2017, 12pm EST!

The course will be a profound journey into the inner sanctum of the heart to meet with the Presence of the Divine Feminine spark of creation. It is in the heart that we give birth to our soul on the physical plane. The Mysteries have long been veiled to humanity through a thick, dark, layer of ignorance that kept us locked out of the true power of life. When we are separated in consciousness from the Wisdom we have to work for everything; our food, shelter, love, and spiritual power. Now, there are many human beings who are ready to penetrate the veil with a pure mind and heart and walk into the higher understanding of what it means to create on Earth. We are remembering how to heal our perception and how to birth through the Heart's Womb by entering into the gnosis of Divine Love. The Equinox in Aries and the energies of the first week in May, opened a portal for a new dispensation of the Sun's healing rays to fertilize the consciousness of both Mankind and Womankind and to heal the separation between the masculine and feminine in our world. We will start the course when the Sun is in the sign of Gemini - The Lovers. This is a highly alchemical sign for this work in the Feminine Mysteries. We will work through the Solstice in June up until the week just before the auspicious Lion's Gate Portal on August 8th, 2017!

In this 7-week course, we will meet on Friday's, the day of love & the day of Venus, for a 90-minute group session by phone. (All calls are recorded and the link to listen is sent out immediately following the session.) We will be working through the Law of Seven to build the bridge to unite the Inner and Outer planes of consciousness so that one may have access to both waking and dreaming, inner and outer, conscious and subconscious realities and be in full communication with the inner guidance of the Higher Self. When we establish this incorruptible link with the Divine Sacred Fire within, we begin to transform everything that we come into contact with and we begin to build our Spiritual Body to be the permanent home for our soul. Divine Love, then becomes the Eternal Force of Light in our life.

Please join me if you feel called for this profound opportunity to unite with other souls who share your readiness to see beyond the illusion of our world and enter into the Mysteries of the Goddess.

The cost of the 7-week course, which includes 7 sessions (over ten hours of guided lecture and meditation), 2 one-hour Q&A sessions, a reading list and a booklet from the course is $575. for early registration and $775. after May 26th, 2017. The cost of the group program is about 1/3 of the cost of the 3-month private mentoring program. I am beyond excited about the frequency of this work with a group. If you have any questions about cost or content or to sign up, please contact me. 



Copyright © 2017 Shannon Port