Healing the Emotional Body



The most powerful tool we have for healing our emotional body and bringing it into balance is INTUITION. Intuition is the portal to the depths of our Inner Being. When we operate from our intuition it can be said that we are connected to our inner teacher or higher self. Without intuition, our emotional patterns arise like the weather based on our responses to outer stimuli and thinking. These responses are most often based on our history and our recorded memories of the past. This memory bank can extend far beyond our current lifetime.

Without intuition awakened we are at the mercy of life. Sometimes we have wonderful emotions and sometimes we feel like our emotions are running us, and they are running us. Within our subconscious mind we have a dark side of the moon. On this dark side exists all the unresolved pains and traumas of the past. These unresolved emotions and experiences are filled with great energy and power. When they rise up unexpectedly, they can bring us to our knees with their force of feelings, creating drama and discord out of nowhere.

Our relationships are always subject to our unresolved past until we use the conscious power of intuition to access our divine intelligence through wisdom and conscious feeling force.

The Feminine Feeling Force

Our feelings contain the power to move mountains. They are the creative power of life within us Our thoughts can only stimulate our feelings, but it is our feelings that mould the ethers and matter. Our feelings are connected to our desires; both our conscious desires and our unconscious desires.

The way we feel at any given time is shaping our perception of reality. Our feelings are subjective and are connected to experiences that we have had in the past. These experiences are recorded within our subconscious mind and they trigger feeling impulses that are attached to the past, whether we want them to or not. The only way to begin to shift the direction of the feeling force is to be conscious of it. In other words, we must be able to feel and recognize the signature of our feelings as they arise. This gives us insight into where they are sourcing from.

Our feeling force is the true director of our life. We can think all day long, but we tend to act on what we feel. We move when we feel something, whether it be positive of negative.

Trigger Consciousness

We are living in a climate of trigger consciousness. Most people are walking around being triggered all day long and most human beings are completely unaware that their emotional body is being run and triggered from the outside. The emotional energy that rises us from humans when they are triggered feeds into the matrix of bondage on earth. These triggers awaken wounds and reactions base on ego insecurities, fight or flight, past wounds and patterns. These triggers activate polarity through defensiveness, threat, compulsiveness, addiction, spending, materialism, competition, lust, chaos, discord, shallow thinking, selfishness, self righteousness, greed, suffering, duality, aggression, and war. Once the energy arises from the subconscious feeling force, it is set into action determined by the depth of the response. There are mild subliminal triggers and much more serious programs and triggers meant to activate collective fear and reactivity.

Social Media, the internet and all forms of media, politics and news are huge sources of trigger consciousness. We are exposed to the triggers of the outer almost all day long. Humanity has lost touch with the Depths of Silence.

Silence is the Source of Zero Point & Intuition

Without the connection to our inner silence we lose touch with the ability to access our sovereignty through our INTUITION. It is our intuition awakened that makes us sovereign beings. So few human beings today are acting as sovereign beings connected to the Wisdom of the inner Divine Mother - the subconscious mind. Our higher subconscious mind is the foundation of life. Here we are connected to a Universal Force known as Zero Point. This force is accessed when we are in a state of neutrality. Neutrality opens the Infinite and allows us the potential to call upon all the power of our feelings and love.

In our world, silence is devalued. It is frowned upon to be disengaged from the "scene" of life that takes place on noisy social media. There is a saying, "The Truth makes no noise." One must experience this great Silence to touch truth; the truth of the soul.

Once a person has touched this realm and experienced the true inner power and sovereignty of their soul, they will view the world and everything in it differently. The learning on the inside will be activated and all the wisdom of the ages will arise in the aura.

The matrix of this AI reality will become more obvious as we discover the treasure of our organic feelings and creative power.

Know Thyself

The process of self-healing requires that we have a deep understanding of our inner self, both the wounded aspect and the divine soul seed. All of us carry wounds and patterns from our lineage. We have our individual record of all the feelings we have stored and imprinted and we have those we have inherited through our family lineage. Becoming conscious requires us to become very familiar on an intimate level with our own pain and suffering. We must learn to observe our patters, love them and integrate them with the power of intuition.

As we know ourself, we let go of the fear of the unknown. We are no longer scared of our emotions. We are not afraid to be human and move through the process of knowing the unknown so that it can come into the light.

As we know ourself we are able to direct our consciousness. Whatever we focus our consciousness on begins to manifest. This is the greatest law of creation. When we focus on a thing, we begin to have thoughts and feelings about the thing. As we heal, those thoughts and feelings are connected to intuition. They are not the automatic thoughts and feelings of the lower emotional body of pain, they are the higher impulses of the soul and spirit. This is when we become linked to the Divine Will. The Divine Will longs to create through us. As we awaken our higher consciousness we become the vehicles for this to take place.

Divine Love is Perception of Unity

The state of Divine Love is achieved when we access the inner dimension of Silence and receive the pure power of the Feminine Feeling Force through our Intuition. This is the healing of our emotional body. At this stage we understand that we are One Being. Everything in this reality is a reflection of us on some level. We are interacting with ourself in all that we do. In knowing this, we awaken the power of Divine Universal Love. This is the eternal bliss that allows us to create beauty, harmony, and magic wherever we choose to do so as divine sovereign beings. We have no need to dissociate from anything because all is God/Good. This is a riddle that must be solved within every human being. As each one awakens, we hold the light and spread higher consciousness. We participate in healing the Earth and humanity not from our emotional body of pain but from the Power of the Heart. We stop judging and start creating the optimal reality for this moment, Now.

With great Love, Hope & Joy for the world we are creating,

Shannon Port

*Fall/Spring Mentoring starts at the end of September, 2018! Join us for a 3-Month Journey into the Divine Feminine Wisdom with Shannon Port.