Healing the Emotional Body



The most powerful tool we have for healing our emotional body and bringing it into balance is INTUITION. Intuition is the portal to the depths of our Inner Being. When we operate from our intuition it can be said that we are connected to our inner teacher or higher self. Without intuition, our emotional patterns arise like the weather based on our responses to outer stimuli and thinking. These responses are most often based on our history and our recorded memories of the past. This memory bank can extend far beyond our current lifetime.

Without intuition awakened we are at the mercy of life. Sometimes we have wonderful emotions and sometimes we feel like our emotions are running us, and they are running us. Within our subconscious mind we have a dark side of the moon. On this dark side exists all the unresolved pains and traumas of the past. These unresolved emotions and experiences are filled with great energy and power. When they rise up unexpectedly, they can bring us to our knees with their force of feelings, creating drama and discord out of nowhere.

Our relationships are always subject to our unresolved past until we use the conscious power of intuition to access our divine intelligence through wisdom and conscious feeling force.

The Feminine Feeling Force

Our feelings contain the power to move mountains. They are the creative power of life within us Our thoughts can only stimulate our feelings, but it is our feelings that mould the ethers and matter. Our feelings are connected to our desires; both our conscious desires and our unconscious desires.

The way we feel at any given time is shaping our perception of reality. Our feelings are subjective and are connected to experiences that we have had in the past. These experiences are recorded within our subconscious mind and they trigger feeling impulses that are attached to the past, whether we want them to or not. The only way to begin to shift the direction of the feeling force is to be conscious of it. In other words, we must be able to feel and recognize the signature of our feelings as they arise. This gives us insight into where they are sourcing from.

Our feeling force is the true director of our life. We can think all day long, but we tend to act on what we feel. We move when we feel something, whether it be positive of negative.

Trigger Consciousness

We are living in a climate of trigger consciousness. Most people are walking around being triggered all day long and most human beings are completely unaware that their emotional body is being run and triggered from the outside. The emotional energy that rises us from humans when they are triggered feeds into the matrix of bondage on earth. These triggers awaken wounds and reactions base on ego insecurities, fight or flight, past wounds and patterns. These triggers activate polarity through defensiveness, threat, compulsiveness, addiction, spending, materialism, competition, lust, chaos, discord, shallow thinking, selfishness, self righteousness, greed, suffering, duality, aggression, and war. Once the energy arises from the subconscious feeling force, it is set into action determined by the depth of the response. There are mild subliminal triggers and much more serious programs and triggers meant to activate collective fear and reactivity.

Social Media, the internet and all forms of media, politics and news are huge sources of trigger consciousness. We are exposed to the triggers of the outer almost all day long. Humanity has lost touch with the Depths of Silence.

Silence is the Source of Zero Point & Intuition

Without the connection to our inner silence we lose touch with the ability to access our sovereignty through our INTUITION. It is our intuition awakened that makes us sovereign beings. So few human beings today are acting as sovereign beings connected to the Wisdom of the inner Divine Mother - the subconscious mind. Our higher subconscious mind is the foundation of life. Here we are connected to a Universal Force known as Zero Point. This force is accessed when we are in a state of neutrality. Neutrality opens the Infinite and allows us the potential to call upon all the power of our feelings and love.

In our world, silence is devalued. It is frowned upon to be disengaged from the "scene" of life that takes place on noisy social media. There is a saying, "The Truth makes no noise." One must experience this great Silence to touch truth; the truth of the soul.

Once a person has touched this realm and experienced the true inner power and sovereignty of their soul, they will view the world and everything in it differently. The learning on the inside will be activated and all the wisdom of the ages will arise in the aura.

The matrix of this AI reality will become more obvious as we discover the treasure of our organic feelings and creative power.

Know Thyself

The process of self-healing requires that we have a deep understanding of our inner self, both the wounded aspect and the divine soul seed. All of us carry wounds and patterns from our lineage. We have our individual record of all the feelings we have stored and imprinted and we have those we have inherited through our family lineage. Becoming conscious requires us to become very familiar on an intimate level with our own pain and suffering. We must learn to observe our patters, love them and integrate them with the power of intuition.

As we know ourself, we let go of the fear of the unknown. We are no longer scared of our emotions. We are not afraid to be human and move through the process of knowing the unknown so that it can come into the light.

As we know ourself we are able to direct our consciousness. Whatever we focus our consciousness on begins to manifest. This is the greatest law of creation. When we focus on a thing, we begin to have thoughts and feelings about the thing. As we heal, those thoughts and feelings are connected to intuition. They are not the automatic thoughts and feelings of the lower emotional body of pain, they are the higher impulses of the soul and spirit. This is when we become linked to the Divine Will. The Divine Will longs to create through us. As we awaken our higher consciousness we become the vehicles for this to take place.

Divine Love is Perception of Unity

The state of Divine Love is achieved when we access the inner dimension of Silence and receive the pure power of the Feminine Feeling Force through our Intuition. This is the healing of our emotional body. At this stage we understand that we are One Being. Everything in this reality is a reflection of us on some level. We are interacting with ourself in all that we do. In knowing this, we awaken the power of Divine Universal Love. This is the eternal bliss that allows us to create beauty, harmony, and magic wherever we choose to do so as divine sovereign beings. We have no need to dissociate from anything because all is God/Good. This is a riddle that must be solved within every human being. As each one awakens, we hold the light and spread higher consciousness. We participate in healing the Earth and humanity not from our emotional body of pain but from the Power of the Heart. We stop judging and start creating the optimal reality for this moment, Now.

With great Love, Hope & Joy for the world we are creating,

Shannon Port

*Fall/Spring Mentoring starts at the end of September, 2018! Join us for a 3-Month Journey into the Divine Feminine Wisdom with Shannon Port.

The Rise of the Creative Imagination



The Solstice Season has arrived and we are entering a great period of transformation in the collective psyche of humanity. Very few human beings realize how cut off they are from the power of their most important faculty of expression - the Creative Imagination.

The Creative Imagination is the true expression of the Divine Feminine in our consciousness and it is fueled by the power of Divine Love.

In these times, we face many changes that are expected to occur in our World. We see them happening already in our headlines and in our lives. It is the Creative Imagination that is going to birth the New Earth and activate the process of Ascension. We have to imagine it to take part in it consciously.

We must let go of the old ways of "thinking" about things and start to engage the greatest gift that we have been given to create as gods and goddesses. A gift that transcends the limitations of time and space.

Venus Conjunct the Dragon's Head at the June Solstice

As we enter the June Solstice portal, we have Venus in Leo conjunct the North Node of the Moon and Mars in Aquarius, preparing to retrograde, conjunct the South Node of the Moon.

The North Node and South Node represent the Dragon's head and tail in Vedic Astrology. The head, Rahu is the North Node, and the tail, Ketu, is the South Node. Venus, Mars, the Moon and the Sun are all important archetypes of the Creative Imagination - Venus being the heart, the feeling force and image maker of our reality.

Venus in Leo is in her most alchemical sign. In Leo, Venus transmits the Christic force to Earth. Leo is pure creativity and heart of the Lion. Venus is conjunct the North Node of the Moon showing us that we are to activate her gifts as we move through the powerful energies of Solstice. Mars stationing retrograde conjunct the South Node, is being regenerated and transformed in the Aquarian energies of the coming Age of Aquarius - The Age of the Heart.

Mars is getting a make over that will extend into the weeks ahead during the eclipses and Lion's Gate Portal. Mars represents power, aggression, sexual passion, and the fire of the Shakti force. This power has been inverted and used to harm and create war, rather than to heal and explore our true spiritual power. Mars is a very royal vibration when accessed through the higher octave of wisdom. It's primal power is positive when we are awake to our gifts and our true purpose on Earth.

Sacred Polarity of Mars & Venus

Venus and Mars are opposite each other at Solstice birthing their new relationship for the Age of Aquarius as we enter the last eclipses in Leo and Aquarius.

Venus is calling to all of us. She has been bound to the lower density of consciousness as humans have not understood their own power to create their reality with love. The archetypes are inseparable from our collective psyche. They mirror to us what we are projecting and can activate our awakening when we tune into their powerful relationship with the Limitless Light of the Galactic Heart.

The Dragon is the substance of the Creative Imagination and Venus is it's activator. Together they are the energies of creative power and love. The Dragon rules over water, the Moon, and Venus rules over the shape that substance (Akasha) takes through our desires. They are the feeling, sensing and emotional Ether of the Dream.

A New Direction of Healing

t's time for all of us to take a new direction in our ability to create our reality. Every one of us has a very crucial role to play at this time. We each have something to create, invent or imagine that will have an enormous effect on the way things evolve in the next seven years. It's time to wake up and create. Rather than trying to fight or take down the old system, CREATE THE NEW SYSTEM. We need to see the the fallen ways and then toss them asside and get busy! We can activate human consciousness and create a tidal wave of movement with the Dragon's force behind us!


The soul who is creating from the heart is a happy and determined soul and is given much help from the Ocean of Life. The positive energies of Divine Love are awakened in the one who creates from their own power. We are living in a disempowered reality that has been hacked by the thought forms which have been projected from our lower emotional body. All of Life is energy. As co-creators we are in school to learn how to run our energy so that we can be god-like and royal in our ways.

Dream big or small and act on your dreams. It makes no difference who you are - we all have the same Gift and the same Creative Imagination of the Divine Feminine.

The most surprising achievements can come from the meek and the humble. We are entering the Age of the Heart which means we are entering the Age of the Creative Imagination.

With Love & Creative Power,


Shannon Port

The Alchemy of Christos Sophia

The Alchemy of Christos Sophia

By Shannon Port

The path of Christos Sophia is the path of the heart. It is the heart that has been targeted and tortured and endured unspeakable pain and suffering in our world. The heart is the source of Life and creation and when it is manipulated and compromised the world becomes a dark place ruled by the lower passions of the unconscious realms of desire, fear and greed. Most human desire is not of the heart, although very few human beings can comprehend this. Humanity believes that they choose their own destiny and act according to their own will. Without the full consciousness of the heart, the life-force is run by the realms of fear and darkness that live for survival, pleasure and power, unaware of the greater interconnectedness of all human beings to each other and to the cosmos. 

Through our misuse of love and sexuality, we have collectively devolved into the instinctual animal humans who have lost touch with the higher spiritual faculties of the divine human being. Our divine identity is one with Christos Sophia and we share her journey through this Underworld and are required to take part in her sacred alchemy if we wish to reclaim the purity, the creative power and the sanctity of the Human Heart - the jewel of all creation. 

Human Love and Feelings - The Root of the Soul

The soul is alchemized through the process of human love and feelings. Without the experience of human love, we cannot know the depths of our own heart. Human love moves our feeling centers and opens us to the flow of Life that activates our cellular memory to what it means to be alive and one with Source. Before we can truly love another we must first remember the love of our self and the sacredness of who we really are. Most of the negative programming that is on our planet is designed to distract us from knowing who and what we are. We are taught to believe that we are the outer self, with little recognition for the inner, and we spend most of our lives seeking validation for this outer self. 

We believe that the things we get on the outside define us and that we need to be in a constant search for what is better looking and tasting and fill our lives up with these things. Often times this puts us in a false competition with other human beings and causes us to devalue what is real and meaningful in our lives. We lose our vision and fall prey to the illusion of the material world. It is only by developing the feeling force of the Goddess that we can feel the difference in vibration and know the truth of what is love and what is a passing lower impulse.  

We are systematically programmed to consume other human beings sexually rather than to enter into love and wisdom based relationships that cultivate depth of soul and spirit on Earth. We often times choose this path because we fear death and rejection and we subconsciously feel that by consuming another's life-force through our sexual appetites that we can prolong our own youth and sensual pleasure and avoid transformation on the spiritual levels of our being. In truth, this only corrupts the lower self further and creates more bondage to the illusion. It prolongs the cycle of pain and suffering rather than alleviating it. 

Alchemy in Love Relationships

Many sacred souls who incarnated onto this planet agreed to take on the depths of spiritual alchemy in love relationships, that the split between the masculine and the feminine might be healed and brought into balance on Earth. This work involves deep and challenging processing through the heart. Those who find themselves in this sacred work know who they are. Many have come to awaken and realize that there is a higher purpose for the healing that is taking place within love and partnership. 

Many feminine souls have come in to enter into the deepest, dark places and alchemize the substance of the material world through their love and presence, pouring Goddess energy into the container of relationships. There has been a clearing of the dark through acknowledgment and interaction between the the polarization of forces that has helped to raise the frequency of our planet. 

This work has been grueling for those souls who have taken part and a soul contract that will be rewarded with great abundance as we move into the light. 

The time has come for the final clearing and now some of the souls who have been entrenched the deepest are coming out of the dark to enter back into the higher realms of wisdom and love. These souls will be greeted with the regenerating life-force of the Divine Mother who has been the overseer of the Alchemy in Love. 

The Magic of the Number 13 and the Sacred Codes of Death and Rebirth

The Alchemy of Christos Sophia is ruled by the number 13 which is known to be a number of mystical power and magic, for it is the number that rules regeneration and the powers of death and rebirth; one of the greatest mysteries of creation. To understand death is to unlock the secrets of eternal life. We must be connected to our heart to master the energy of this magical vibration, for it is in the heart that Christos Sophia unites in sacred union with her Logos Spirit. It is Christos Sophia who holds the holy codes of transmutation within her sacred body; we are her body and we are the codes of the divine life. As we awaken to the truth and purpose of our journey here on this Earth, we are given the guidance necessary to accomplish the alchemy of death and rebirth. 

It is up to each of us to get in touch with the codes of life that are written in our heart. These codes are activated by our love. They are extremely heightened in our love relationships when we surrender to their blueprint of sacred union and allow the wisdom of Divine Love to operate through us. 

The number 13 represents Key 13, the Death Archetype in the Sacred Tarot and is ruled by the zodiac sign, Scorpio. This is the sign of sex, death and transformation. It is also the sign of the Underworld as governed by Pluto. Here we are shown the link between our powers of regeneration and our sexuality. The number 3 in 13 is active and working through the number 1; 3 being the Empress (Venus/heart) and 1 being the Magician (Mercury/mind). This is a clue to the power of the heart being focuses through the power of the mind. Both masculine and feminine principles are necessary to complete the process of regeneration, but it is the heart that gives birth to the Divine Love on Earth. Without the Heart there is no eternal life. The sacred union of masculine and feminine must happen in the heart. The Logos and the Living Christ Force are birthed in the Heart of Sophia. 

The Portal of Divine Love

Because the heart of Christos Sophia plays such an important role in anchoring the Divine Love on Earth, she has been attacked and wounded deliberately. There is meant to be a sacred connection between two souls who have come together in divine marriage, and yet in our world, we see the most pain, suffering, disfunction and even violence happening in love partnerships. These days very few unions are lasting. 

We have been scrambled and confused in the area of love and diverted into a false sexual illusion to keep us from truly entering the heart with one another. It is time for us to wake up and remember the path of Divine Love and the higher consciousness that will awaken the powers of our Spirit in Matter. 

The power of love relationships cannot be overstated because it is the frequency of the union of masculine and feminine that opens the portal for souls to enter the physical plane. The balancing of masculine and feminine can happen in any relationship where there are two gathered, regardless of sex; the mind and the heart are always working out the dance of the Creative Principle.  

We are in a new cycle of creation and it will be required that we create an aligned portal for the next level of human beings to enter this world. This is the age of remembering how to call forth the Light in the world of Matter. At the center of every act of creation is the heart. She is the birthing principle of the Divine Feminine and it is the heart that links the Divine Mother to the world of matter allowing the Christic Force to be active in the world. This is the power of the Living Word and it restores our place in the cosmos as the divine sons and daughter of Life. 

We are being asked now to be conscious receptacles for the Divine Love to enter this world. We can fulfill this request by looking to the inner reality to discover what gifts await us in the depths of our Being. Now is the time to focus the power of the heart through the mind and to receive the divine impulse of our Inner Self. The light of the Sun will shine through us and reveal the dimension of our Higher Self. We all play a special role in this Alchemy of Christos Sophia. We all are carriers of these codes. It will take all of us, working together, to unite and raise the consciousness of our beautiful planet. 

The Goddess energy of the Divine Mother is here now, pouring Light onto the Earth. The Love from above is here to join with the Love within our hearts. This is the sacred union, the divine marriage of the above and below, and the birth of the Solar Body of Light. 

With Love & Divine Alchemy of Christos Sophia, 

Shannon Port

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Copyright © 2016 Shannon Port. All rights reserved. This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter June 2016.