Light Body Goddess Activation: Awakening The Cosmic Goddess Code

Light Body Goddess Activation:

Awakening The Cosmic Goddess Code

By Shannon Port

In the Goddess Core of Creation exists your Goddess Core Code; the original Divine Blueprint of your soul. Within the nucleus of our individual Akashic Record, we carry this code forward into form through a process of Divine Feminine Alchemy.

Our Light Body Code is based on the energetic frequency of our WORD. The way we use the power of the Goddess in our lives will determine our level of magnetic force; what we magnetize to our auric field; and what we give birth to through our projections from the nucleus and Womb of the Goddess Force.

As we think we FEEL, and as we feel we speak to birth our inner reality into form through our feminine Emotional Body. Our entire projection is linked to our words, which carry the Solar Feminine waves of Matter or "Mother".

The Galactic Core Code of the Goddess

Through the Galactic Core Codes we are able to receive the cosmic waves of communication from the Divine Mother's womb and heart to awaken THE DIVINE FEMININE LANGUAGE OF CREATION: the archetypal coding of the Goddess or "The Cosmic Goddess Code".

The Feminine is a vessel of Divine Love; an alchemical container to hold the Solar Feminine Codes of Creation and give birth to reality through her Consciousness. But to activate our divine feminine vessel, we must clear all inferior patterns of elemental form from our Prism, to receive the Divine Light in it's full spectrum of Wisdom, Power & Love.

This is known as The Alchemy of the Goddess, and is the liberation of the soul in matter. All Beings are destined by their divine birthright to give birth to the Goddess through their own Light Body Prism. But first, we must face the Shadow of our own internal creations.

The Alchemy of the Goddess: Light Body Alchemy & Transmutation

All of us hold the karmic seeds that we have sewn over many lifetimes that need to be healed and transmuted for this process to be fully activated. The reason we consider life so filled with challenges is because we carry these codes of the past and cannot fully see them. They are hidden from us but are influencing our use of the Goddess Force in everything we do. They show up in relationships and cause us to repeat patterns over and over again. They sabotage our subconscious mind and create limitations in our ability to manifest our desires. Limitation is caused by impurity of the divine vessel.

We then feel, speak and most importantly, act, from these unseen internal patterns. As we begin to wake up and come into our spiritual wisdom, we come into contact with the Goddess Herself. It is the Goddess who bestows upon us the gift of Initiation and transmutation, seeing to it that we heal these patterns that are not a reflection of the divine truth of our Goddess Core Code; the Divine Image of Creation.

As we transmute our negative seeds we are given use of the regenerated DIVINE FEMININE ENERGY to create our life in the original pattern of Creation. We begin to vibrate at our Divine Feminine Frequency.

The Trinity Codes of Light Body Woman

The Trinity Codes carry the original powers of the Goddess. When understood with Divine Feminine Intelligence (Wisdom), they become the agents of our Divine Feminine Creative Power. The Trinity Codes are the original elemental coding of the Goddess that vibrate to the frequency of Divine Love.

The Light Body Woman is the archetype of the awakened Goddess! She is the emanation of the archetypal Sound & Light codes. Her Threefold Soul Prism has been regenerated and lit by the Goddess Herself. She is the divine embodiment of the Light Body Goddess!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year filled with Light Body Goddess Blessings of Divine Love!


Shannon Port

Light Body Woman 3-Month Divine Feminine Energy Activation Mentorship, starts January 19th!

Join us on January 19th, 2021 for an unprecedented LIGHT BODY WOMAN: Divine Feminine Energy Activation Mentorship! SEE DETAILS BELOW or click HERE!

We'll be working with The Trinity Codes of the Goddess through Light Body Woman, Light Body Tantra & Light Body Yoga™. We'll also be working with the Galactic Core Code of the Goddess through the teachings of Divine Feminine Astrology and a special segment of The Inner Mystery School of Divine Love.

Building the Inner Temple of Light


By Shannon Port

The Libra Equinox is a portal into the balance, harmony and equilibrium of the soul. At this time we are shown the entry into the Inner Temple of our Being as we go into the silence of the soul. This temple is built on our foundation of beauty and balanced relationship between the masculine and feminine in our consciousness. The inner marriage of the soul and spirit creates Justice. Justice is the true balance of the Light and Dark within us. When things are out of balance, the inner psyche uses the powers of Libra to call things back into Divine Order until we are able to merge into the Infinite and become the embodiment of our Higher Self. The inner temple is the masterpiece of our soul, the great alchemy and Art of the human experience. 

When the mystery of the inner temple begins to unfold within us, we stop becoming seekers and we start to call forth the Wisdom of our own soul from within. We realize that we are the ones we have been waiting for. The Temple of Light is within us. Through our own inner temple we are able to connect with the entire Cosmos. 

This temple requires our purity of thought and love. Although we may sample many things of this world on our journey to the temple, we leave it all behind as we merge into the pure crystalline silence of our Deep Inner Self. Our consciousness has to be pure to touch the depths of Her. The more superficial layers can tolerate mind altering substances, but the Mother Deep demands our pure presence and stillness for Her to dilate and let us enter. She is the Great Initiator of the soul and hands over the power of the Universe to the one who is ready to walk with such awesome power and responsibility.

The heart that has purged all hatred and judgement of one's self and others, is prepared to meet the Inner Dark Light of the soul. Here we understand why we forgive, why we listen, and why we love all beings unconditionally. Here we know that giving and receiving are the same act. To be clear, to be awake and pristine, is the greatest power we can have. 

Our Consciousness is of such a divine order. We realize how polluted the consciousness of the world has become, adorned in fake jewels and carnal desires that bring decay to the heart. We have compassion for our misguided treatment of the Divine within ourself and all beings. We now see clearly but without judgment, for we know that to judge means death. 

Once we have tasted the Light of our Inner Temple - no other substance can compare to or come close to it's expansion and fullness. We know the Pleroma of our soul, the Divine Mother of all life within us. All attempts to travel the realms of matter through a synthetic manipulation of light are seen for what they are; a picture show of the shadow lands, empty and temporary. Once the Truth is tasted we wish to mirror It in all that we do, both in love and in creativity. We may still taste anything of this world that we desire, but why would we lay down pure power and love to taste the counterfeit? 

We know that this cannot be told, only reflected in our creations; our living Word; transmitted through the fluid of our Love, Forgiveness and Compassion and the true Vision of our Heart. We return to shine this truth through our eyes, until the collective awakening takes hold of the heart of humanity. 

We now recognize those who have been to the Deep by the light in their eyes and the silence in their aura as well as the true power of their words and their art. They emanate divine love and depth and open the hearts of those who come into their field. We intuitively join with them in the network of stars on this planet, lighting up the Universal Soul Matrix. We are not alone, ever; all is Goddess!

With Infinite Love from the Inner Temple of Light!

Shannon Port

Healing the Emotional Body



The most powerful tool we have for healing our emotional body and bringing it into balance is INTUITION. Intuition is the portal to the depths of our Inner Being. When we operate from our intuition it can be said that we are connected to our inner teacher or higher self. Without intuition, our emotional patterns arise like the weather based on our responses to outer stimuli and thinking. These responses are most often based on our history and our recorded memories of the past. This memory bank can extend far beyond our current lifetime.

Without intuition awakened we are at the mercy of life. Sometimes we have wonderful emotions and sometimes we feel like our emotions are running us, and they are running us. Within our subconscious mind we have a dark side of the moon. On this dark side exists all the unresolved pains and traumas of the past. These unresolved emotions and experiences are filled with great energy and power. When they rise up unexpectedly, they can bring us to our knees with their force of feelings, creating drama and discord out of nowhere.

Our relationships are always subject to our unresolved past until we use the conscious power of intuition to access our divine intelligence through wisdom and conscious feeling force.

The Feminine Feeling Force

Our feelings contain the power to move mountains. They are the creative power of life within us Our thoughts can only stimulate our feelings, but it is our feelings that mould the ethers and matter. Our feelings are connected to our desires; both our conscious desires and our unconscious desires.

The way we feel at any given time is shaping our perception of reality. Our feelings are subjective and are connected to experiences that we have had in the past. These experiences are recorded within our subconscious mind and they trigger feeling impulses that are attached to the past, whether we want them to or not. The only way to begin to shift the direction of the feeling force is to be conscious of it. In other words, we must be able to feel and recognize the signature of our feelings as they arise. This gives us insight into where they are sourcing from.

Our feeling force is the true director of our life. We can think all day long, but we tend to act on what we feel. We move when we feel something, whether it be positive of negative.

Trigger Consciousness

We are living in a climate of trigger consciousness. Most people are walking around being triggered all day long and most human beings are completely unaware that their emotional body is being run and triggered from the outside. The emotional energy that rises us from humans when they are triggered feeds into the matrix of bondage on earth. These triggers awaken wounds and reactions base on ego insecurities, fight or flight, past wounds and patterns. These triggers activate polarity through defensiveness, threat, compulsiveness, addiction, spending, materialism, competition, lust, chaos, discord, shallow thinking, selfishness, self righteousness, greed, suffering, duality, aggression, and war. Once the energy arises from the subconscious feeling force, it is set into action determined by the depth of the response. There are mild subliminal triggers and much more serious programs and triggers meant to activate collective fear and reactivity.

Social Media, the internet and all forms of media, politics and news are huge sources of trigger consciousness. We are exposed to the triggers of the outer almost all day long. Humanity has lost touch with the Depths of Silence.

Silence is the Source of Zero Point & Intuition

Without the connection to our inner silence we lose touch with the ability to access our sovereignty through our INTUITION. It is our intuition awakened that makes us sovereign beings. So few human beings today are acting as sovereign beings connected to the Wisdom of the inner Divine Mother - the subconscious mind. Our higher subconscious mind is the foundation of life. Here we are connected to a Universal Force known as Zero Point. This force is accessed when we are in a state of neutrality. Neutrality opens the Infinite and allows us the potential to call upon all the power of our feelings and love.

In our world, silence is devalued. It is frowned upon to be disengaged from the "scene" of life that takes place on noisy social media. There is a saying, "The Truth makes no noise." One must experience this great Silence to touch truth; the truth of the soul.

Once a person has touched this realm and experienced the true inner power and sovereignty of their soul, they will view the world and everything in it differently. The learning on the inside will be activated and all the wisdom of the ages will arise in the aura.

The matrix of this AI reality will become more obvious as we discover the treasure of our organic feelings and creative power.

Know Thyself

The process of self-healing requires that we have a deep understanding of our inner self, both the wounded aspect and the divine soul seed. All of us carry wounds and patterns from our lineage. We have our individual record of all the feelings we have stored and imprinted and we have those we have inherited through our family lineage. Becoming conscious requires us to become very familiar on an intimate level with our own pain and suffering. We must learn to observe our patters, love them and integrate them with the power of intuition.

As we know ourself, we let go of the fear of the unknown. We are no longer scared of our emotions. We are not afraid to be human and move through the process of knowing the unknown so that it can come into the light.

As we know ourself we are able to direct our consciousness. Whatever we focus our consciousness on begins to manifest. This is the greatest law of creation. When we focus on a thing, we begin to have thoughts and feelings about the thing. As we heal, those thoughts and feelings are connected to intuition. They are not the automatic thoughts and feelings of the lower emotional body of pain, they are the higher impulses of the soul and spirit. This is when we become linked to the Divine Will. The Divine Will longs to create through us. As we awaken our higher consciousness we become the vehicles for this to take place.

Divine Love is Perception of Unity

The state of Divine Love is achieved when we access the inner dimension of Silence and receive the pure power of the Feminine Feeling Force through our Intuition. This is the healing of our emotional body. At this stage we understand that we are One Being. Everything in this reality is a reflection of us on some level. We are interacting with ourself in all that we do. In knowing this, we awaken the power of Divine Universal Love. This is the eternal bliss that allows us to create beauty, harmony, and magic wherever we choose to do so as divine sovereign beings. We have no need to dissociate from anything because all is God/Good. This is a riddle that must be solved within every human being. As each one awakens, we hold the light and spread higher consciousness. We participate in healing the Earth and humanity not from our emotional body of pain but from the Power of the Heart. We stop judging and start creating the optimal reality for this moment, Now.

With great Love, Hope & Joy for the world we are creating,

Shannon Port

*Fall/Spring Mentoring starts at the end of September, 2018! Join us for a 3-Month Journey into the Divine Feminine Wisdom with Shannon Port.

Technology of the Goddess



Within every human being there exists a beautiful power and a foundation that creates everything in our individual and collective world. She is our inner High Priestess and she is at our service night and day. She works very powerfully when we are sleeping and if we talk to her and merge with her before we drift off into the inner dimension, she will carry out our requests in perfect detail in both our waking and sleeping hours. Anytime we experience a loss of our power it is due to our own ignorance and forgetting of our Inner Spiritual Technology. The world we live in pulls hard at our connection to this power, often causing us to betray ourself and our heart.

All of us are the power of Spirit in form. The Goddess placed Herself within each one of us so that we could all take part in the glory of this Creation. We search and search for meaning and power and forget that her Wisdom is closer to us than our own breath. She is the power of all that is seen and unseen. Everything in existence has been birthed by Her, and in truth by each one of us. Both the Light and the Dark are creations of the Divine Mother. There is nothing to fear; we need only make order in our own consciousness to watch the world before us take a new shape. Loving ourselves and the process is the fastest way to open to our own magic and creative power.

Inner Alignment

It is our inner alignment that determines where we find ourselves in every moment. The space we hold in our consciousness connects us to a specific frequency location on the time-space continuum. All inner communication from the Cosmos is matched to what we are able to contain in our awareness. It is also true that we mirror with those things that are meant to teach us or activate us; those situations that create the polarity integration necessary for our healing. In this way it pays to be awake and aware of everything that enters our field of awareness. Many of us have been placed in parts of the Body of Humanity and Earth that need our awareness and our love. As uncomfortable as this can be at times, we always have the depth of our connection to the Light within us.

Artificial Intelligence - A.I.

The A.I. systems of this world are designed to scramble our inner connection and make it nearly impossible for us to understand and perceive the Inner Sanctuary and the Great Hall of Learning of the higher self. They reach us at a shallow level and stimulate the animal soul, creating cravings, confusion, longings, comparisons, fear, sexual desire at the base level, along with depression and anxiety. This is having a huge effect on the human population. The collective confusion in sexuality is at an all time high. It is this confusion that shuts down conscious access to the vital body of the soul. On good days we might feel like we are getting ahead and doing well, and on challenging days we feel overcome with hopelessness and pain. It becomes an endless cycle of ups and downs. This is why it is so important to learn how to create and maintain the positive inner alignment. This positive alignment helps us to process all painful feelings and transmute their energy into greater self-worth and self-love.

Goddess Technology

Each of us is a center of expression of the Divine Mother Shakti-force. We have our own power source and creative force built into our being. That expression knows exactly why we are here and it holds the divine template of our highest mission on Earth. When we consciously connect to the divine blueprint of our soul, we are given the direction and the resources to carry out our unique mission. This is the only thing required of us; to know thyself and know thy gifts and marry them to creation. The world about us gives the illusion of success. The new social media platforms are all designed to keep the animal soul active. On one hand they create connection and excitement, but on the other hand it is a numbers game. There is heightened awareness of personal fame, popularity and competition. All things are celebritized. There is nothing wrong with recognition, success and being seen, but this has brought the sacred up to a shallow level and encouraged adults and young children alike to play in the game; quite often without realizing it. Energetically we can feel it when we sell out to an inorganic system. There is a way to use the system and remain true to who we are and that is the key to the Inner Spiritual Technology.

Our inner gifts and Goddess Technology are activated when we begin to surrender to our inner truth. This means going much deeper than the personality level of who we are. It requires Desire, Focus, Purity, Wisdom and Power. All of these are the etheric elemental powers of our Inner Being. Nobody can activate them for us. It is up to each one of us to make contact with these inner archetypes and embody them. The lust and materialism of this world is very seductive. It distracts us from the real technology of the Soul. This entire drama is about claiming our inner Goddess Technology. The Dark forces are the result of our loss of the inner projection of Light. The Divine Mother has created all form through our human projection. In order to have the final Victory, it is we who must slay the inner dragons of our own subconscious mind. Humanity has so much power. We throw our power away with blame and victimhood. The story of pain and suffering ends when we claim the truth of who we really are. We are each the power of the Soul and Spirit. The Christos and the Sophia joined in Sacred Union. All things that appear in the outer world are created first in the inner world on the astral level, and that is where we have the most power to redefine what we experience. Our feelings are the key to the astral world. Learning how to feel our way into the Central Command Center is the Grail of our existence.

It is important for us to take inventory of what has happened in our world for us to gain entry into the higher Understanding and Wisdom. We must use the power of our Vision and Hearing to open the inner stream of knowledge and activate our powerful Feeling Force. As soon as we see the horrors, it is up to us to return to our inner Goddess Technology and have the revelation of our inner High Priestess. She will show us exactly what to do.

Relationships & the Great Shift on Earth

The light that is streaming to Earth at this time from the center of our galaxy and beyond is the Beginning touching the End. We are both, remembering who we are in this dance of life. The quintessence light that is of a higher wisdom and intelligence is alchemizing our consciousness through the etheric sunlight fluid. This is only going to increase in the coming weeks, months and years. All of humanity is feeling this shift in consciousness. It is calling forth all discord and negative emotions from the depths of our soul so that we can face them and reclaim our spiritual power and inner technology to be used for our awakening. We are meant to embrace this time. We are meant to use the compression to activate our Inner Spiritual Technology. The awakening of our Goddess Technology is the full embodiment of the Divine Love.

It is through relationships that we are given the opportunity to see the reflection of our soul. All of creation is a relationship. We are required to learn all that there is to learn in relationships. There are times when we are given the space to deepen our relationship to our Self, but we are never encouraged to run away from the feelings that are alchemized in relationships. When we are able to access our Inner Spiritual Technology in relationships, we will know another level of the Divine. This is the reason for the platform of physical creation.

Our relationship to the Earth, to the Cosmos and to each other is the key to our feelings of connectedness. May we all know the power of this awakening and celebrate the creativity that is our sovereign divine birthright.

With Love & Pure Connection to the Goddess of our Heart!

Shannon Port

The Transformation of the World

The Transformation of the World

By Shannon Port

We have entered the period of the Great Shift in consciousness on Earth. If things appear to be chaotic it is because all is being sorted out at this time. The truth is rising to the surface and the frequency of every human heart is being revealed. Wherever we find ourself in our heart's evolution at the time of Saturn conjunct the Galactic Core in Sagittarius in late November 2017, will be our starting point in the next cycle of alchemy on this planet. Saturn at the heart of the Goddess will determine our collective and individual lessons and our physical reality as the vibration on the planet is rising and quickening to call forth a New Era. 

Saturn governs our life lessons and karma and determines what we birth into form. This force can work for us or against us depending on our alignment and our willingness to learn. Saturn at the Galactic Center is synching the frequency of the above and below. We have been given the tools to open our heart. We have been shown the way to treat others if we wish to live as gods and goddesses and carry the Divine Template forward into creation. Spiritual work and spiritual language means nothing if we continue to use our words and our power to hurt others, condemn others or judge others. This goes for hurting, condemning and judging ourself as well. There is an inner rage that continues to be a parasite on humanity. This rage can be transmuted by walking the healing path of honesty and love. We are allowed to be human and we are allowed to make mistakes; but the work remains the same; the rage that comes from the destructive human ego is nothing but a block to the spiritual wealth within. We must clear our rage, and that may mean releasing it through a series of events, but in the end, it must be taken care of and let go for good. Outrage at injustice is part of our healing and growth, and how we channel this energy determines our potential for healing the situation and calling forth Grace. 

When we speak of the divine Rage, we are talking about the force of the Holy Spirit. This is not an ego/personality motivated rage. This is the swift sweep of the lightening bolt of the Divine Mother that realigns what has fallen into the denial of life. Human beings are not privy to this power until we have cleared all personal motives and lust. 

Planetary Sexual Healing

During the coming months and all next year we are also being asked to take inventory of our sexual energy. With Jupiter in Scorpio in 2017 and 2018, the underbelly of human sexuality will be brought to the surface for the individual as well as the collective. Here we are asked to understand that our sexuality is the creative force of the Feminine, and we are encouraged honor that sacred part of our soul by connecting our sexuality to wisdom and love. In the coming year we will be asked to heal all sexual wounds to prepare our body and consciousness vehicle to hold greater amounts of Divine Love. 

We are already starting to see the influence of Jupiter in Scorpio on the world stage. This is only the beginning of the revelations of sexual abuse on our planet that is happening on a massive scale. We will purge it out now until we can accept the responsibility for this powerful force and learn how to use it with wisdom, love and discernment and respect for the divine sovereignty of all souls.

Our Personal Healing Journey

Personal healing is not optional during these times. We either decide to heal our relationship to our inner light and dark or we face the mirror of our own unchecked demons. All of us have been hurt deeply by the many unconscious cycles of our soul. We have deep wounds in our heart that can be transmuted into great power. Now is the time to face this beautiful challenge and know who we really are. Now is the time to love ourself and love our fellow human beings. Many human beings carry great darkness and have no desire to heal and come into a more harmonious relationship with humanity. Some of these souls will eventually face the truth of their actions and some will be provided the opportunity to go into greater darkness where the conflict will be worked out by the lightening tower of the Divine Mother. 

At some point in our journey we are asked to ascend the stairs of consciousness and operate from the next level. This means the decision to make an intention that is followed through with real adventure, disciplined action and effort and it might not be easy. We may bruise and scrape our knees, we may grunt, groan, cry and scream, but like a toddler making its way to the second level of the house for the first time, we do it because we must and we are driven to by our inner nature. We look back and see the lower level. We know that we are not going back down; we have a new level to explore. We turn to those who are still on the lower level with a smile. We'll be back after we have seen the new space; when we have news to report and we are sure that we can make the journey back up safely and with ease, helping others to awaken their courage to do the same.

The Temptations of the Time

The temptation at this time is to blame the dark forces for all of the chaos. The dark feeds where there is opportunity. Many have created the opportunity to host the dark through lifetimes of turning their back on love. All of us are accountable for our actions. It makes no difference who we are. We are all put to the scales to see how much love our heart has birthed. Each and every one of us has been to the lowest place in creation. We make our way back by learning how to love from a place of Wisdom and Power. Creation always supports us in our journey, even when it seems that we have been abandoned. This is Cosmic Law and cannot be broken. 

There has been a trend to say that the journey of Ascension is not all love and light. This can be very deceiving and those who take this message in deeply often times have not understood or experienced the real power of love. If they knew it, they would understand that Love is the only power and we are made of nothing but Light. To really get this, one must touch the inner Divine Love in the heart. This is the presence of Source, the Divine Spark within us. In this Presence, all else dissolves. The inner Christic Light shows us nothing but love and light and as we merge we are given the power to direct this powerful flame. From this place we are capable of addressing the horrific imbalances in the world without adding to them further with our own actions We hold the space of the new paradigm with unshakable faith. 

There are indeed a multitude of dark forces affecting us every step of the way. These forces exist within us, on the planet and from an interdimensional frequency. All of the ancient texts refer to these forces. They have always been present. Now, the time has come for them to be revealed to humanity. Nobody knows for certain how this will happen, but it is very important for us to stay connected to our heart, our family, and our inner guidance to know how to respond to all things that appear before us in the present moment. Faith, Hope and Love are the most valuable assets for us during these times. All of these will awaken the discernment of the heart. 

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love is a reality. Although much is spread on the internet and social media about human love as meant to be messy and painful; the love of the Christic-force and the love of the Divine Mother is unconditional. We all have this seed within us and we are indeed, meant to birth it. The process may involve great pain and suffering as we temper the ways of the ego, but the feeling a mother has for her child is much the same as unconditional love for humanity. We are meant to arrive at this level of love in our love relationships. There are many teachings around this topic that will be revealed to the masses as the vibration rises on the planet. Most of humanity feels threatened at this time to even hear about the depth of love that is not being expressed. It triggers great fear and so the teachings are being kept for the time of our true awakening. Lust is so great in our world and it stomps out the platform in the human consciousness that is meant to hold Unconditional Love. When the human heart awakens fully, the ability to digest the Wisdom of Sophia will become a reality. 

Accountability: The Golden Key of Power

Act as if you are transparent at all times and this will keep you in true alignment with the coming Age. Many who consider themselves to be messengers of spiritual information and truth conduct themselves privately in ways that take from others. This is happening very frequently. All is seen in this world. If you have cleared the ego you will be shown the actions of human beings from the inner dimension. This is not always fun to see that many who would be allies are still working with great feelings of entitlement, competition and fear. Many from the same soul and soul group undermine each other behind closed doors. This is unfortunate for the work but it never goes unbalanced. All actions, especially those coming from souls who are here to hold light are held to the Law of Accountability. For in order to be a link in the great chain of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light, one must be clear in the heart and in impeccable integrity. Until we reach this point, we are vulnerable to dark attacks from the weak link within our auric field. When we are accountable to our Spirit, we cannot be manipulated by any human being or dark force. Our true accountability is to our own Higher Self who knows the path of our highest destiny.  This Golden Key is available to all of us now. It's time to start living and connecting from the awakened heart; from this state, the wave of Divine Love flooding the planet will catch hold of us and lift us up together.

With Faith, Hope & Love for this Great Shift and Global Awakening,

Shannon Port

To book a private session with Shannon or to find out more about her 3-Month Mentoring Program in the Divine Feminine Wisdom.

This article is from Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight November 2017

Copyright © 2017 Shannon Port,