Light Body Goddess Activation: Awakening The Cosmic Goddess Code

Light Body Goddess Activation:

Awakening The Cosmic Goddess Code

By Shannon Port

In the Goddess Core of Creation exists your Goddess Core Code; the original Divine Blueprint of your soul. Within the nucleus of our individual Akashic Record, we carry this code forward into form through a process of Divine Feminine Alchemy.

Our Light Body Code is based on the energetic frequency of our WORD. The way we use the power of the Goddess in our lives will determine our level of magnetic force; what we magnetize to our auric field; and what we give birth to through our projections from the nucleus and Womb of the Goddess Force.

As we think we FEEL, and as we feel we speak to birth our inner reality into form through our feminine Emotional Body. Our entire projection is linked to our words, which carry the Solar Feminine waves of Matter or "Mother".

The Galactic Core Code of the Goddess

Through the Galactic Core Codes we are able to receive the cosmic waves of communication from the Divine Mother's womb and heart to awaken THE DIVINE FEMININE LANGUAGE OF CREATION: the archetypal coding of the Goddess or "The Cosmic Goddess Code".

The Feminine is a vessel of Divine Love; an alchemical container to hold the Solar Feminine Codes of Creation and give birth to reality through her Consciousness. But to activate our divine feminine vessel, we must clear all inferior patterns of elemental form from our Prism, to receive the Divine Light in it's full spectrum of Wisdom, Power & Love.

This is known as The Alchemy of the Goddess, and is the liberation of the soul in matter. All Beings are destined by their divine birthright to give birth to the Goddess through their own Light Body Prism. But first, we must face the Shadow of our own internal creations.

The Alchemy of the Goddess: Light Body Alchemy & Transmutation

All of us hold the karmic seeds that we have sewn over many lifetimes that need to be healed and transmuted for this process to be fully activated. The reason we consider life so filled with challenges is because we carry these codes of the past and cannot fully see them. They are hidden from us but are influencing our use of the Goddess Force in everything we do. They show up in relationships and cause us to repeat patterns over and over again. They sabotage our subconscious mind and create limitations in our ability to manifest our desires. Limitation is caused by impurity of the divine vessel.

We then feel, speak and most importantly, act, from these unseen internal patterns. As we begin to wake up and come into our spiritual wisdom, we come into contact with the Goddess Herself. It is the Goddess who bestows upon us the gift of Initiation and transmutation, seeing to it that we heal these patterns that are not a reflection of the divine truth of our Goddess Core Code; the Divine Image of Creation.

As we transmute our negative seeds we are given use of the regenerated DIVINE FEMININE ENERGY to create our life in the original pattern of Creation. We begin to vibrate at our Divine Feminine Frequency.

The Trinity Codes of Light Body Woman

The Trinity Codes carry the original powers of the Goddess. When understood with Divine Feminine Intelligence (Wisdom), they become the agents of our Divine Feminine Creative Power. The Trinity Codes are the original elemental coding of the Goddess that vibrate to the frequency of Divine Love.

The Light Body Woman is the archetype of the awakened Goddess! She is the emanation of the archetypal Sound & Light codes. Her Threefold Soul Prism has been regenerated and lit by the Goddess Herself. She is the divine embodiment of the Light Body Goddess!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year filled with Light Body Goddess Blessings of Divine Love!


Shannon Port

Light Body Woman 3-Month Divine Feminine Energy Activation Mentorship, starts January 19th!

Join us on January 19th, 2021 for an unprecedented LIGHT BODY WOMAN: Divine Feminine Energy Activation Mentorship! SEE DETAILS BELOW or click HERE!

We'll be working with The Trinity Codes of the Goddess through Light Body Woman, Light Body Tantra & Light Body Yoga™. We'll also be working with the Galactic Core Code of the Goddess through the teachings of Divine Feminine Astrology and a special segment of The Inner Mystery School of Divine Love.

The Divine Feminine Healing Cycle - Awakening the Eternal Maiden Archetype



By Shannon Port

The Eternal Maiden is the soul freed from the shackles of time. She is the awakened archetype of the Solar Feminine Christ Force within us. She lives in every human being; regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or age. The Eternal Maiden is the spiritual body of the eternal Self; the Body of Light. In this reality we have lost connection with her, but her seed lies dormant in our heart. She is the purity and the innocence. She is the purification and synthesis of our Eve and our Lilith. 

In this Age we are healing the Feminine Principle in all beings, so that the power of the heart may be experienced and known by all. The material realm has kept the heart captive by the lower desire force and left it atrophied from the true power of the Creative Imagination. This is the cause of poverty consciousness and the reason we have wars and suffering on the planet. The carnal has taken over the consciousness and it is the archetype of the soul that is lost to us. 

It is the emotional body that has been raped and abused in humanity. She is the true victim of our ignorance. She, our greatest power to love and feel, has been ignited by the hottest flames and used to ignite the secret rage inside our heart. We suffer silently in our dreams and subconscious mind and project our pain into the world without realizing it's source. 

The Feminine Cycle of Healing requires us to know the root of all suffering and to pull this painful weed from our own heart, so that we may change the projection to higher vision and call forth the spiritual Body of Light; the consciousness vehicle of our Soul-Spirit. 

The Eternal Maiden is not about gender. She is neither male or female. She is the  Eternal Bride of the Spirit, and she is the very life that we live. 

Maiden, Mother and Crone 

The great Cosmic Mother is the initiator and she activates our inner fire when we are ready to merge the above and the below. She bestows upon us the white fire from above to mix with the carnal fire below. To move beyond the great pull of matter, we must take an initiation to conquer death. This is done by seeing beyond the carnal desires and into the union of the Soul and Spirit. We must understand the three great levels of wisdom and integrate them back into our mind and heart. This is the greatest of all alchemies and requires us to detach from lust and choose the path of the Spirit. 

In the lower world, the Maiden, Mother and Crone, initiations require us to go through the journey of physical aging and eventually loss of our life. As we awaken, we will see that this journey has been inverted and we are truly meant to move beyond the density of matter, where it is our consciousness that is an expression of these powerful archetypes, not our physical body. 

The Threefold Soul Prism

The power of Divine Love works under the archetype of the Trinity. The number three represents the creative principle and the union of two opposite forces to create a third unifying principle. The Divine Marriage Archetype represents this sacred union and can be found with each human being and in various ways it is expressed in the outer world.

To reach the higher consciousness, the union of the masculine and feminine principle within is a must. The only way back into the heart is to unite the above and below in our own consciousness. 

The world we live in is very noisy and filled with seductions that keep us from knowing the true space of our inner temple. Within each of us, is a Solar Force, that ignites when we unify our own masculine and feminine. This light is the Christ-force within us. 

Heart Consciousness

Heart Consciousness is the energy of the Divine Feminine Principle on earth. To be in Heart Consciousness is to embody the ultimate state of equilibrium and power. The heart is the domain of the Goddess Ma'at. She holds the scales to weigh the heart and determine the frequency of our consciousness.

At this time, the trials and challenges that we face are meant to deepen us so that we may touch the Mother Deep in our own consciousness. Most of us are medicating to not have to deal with the light and dark that exists down under in the deep shadow regions of the soul. 

When we medicate, we solve our pain on one level, while postponing the ultimate purification and transmutation of the primal substance of consciousness. 

Through love and through service, the soul is alchemized and begins to know freedom. Serving sets us free; the opposite of what we are taught. We learn that to be free is to turn away from any commitment or service. In truth, serving our brothers and sisters is the enlightenment of our soul. When we serve another, our heart opens and knows the face of the Divine in all life. We begin to integrate the experience of Unity. 

The Solar Feminine Christ Force

The awakened soul becomes the Solar Feminine Christ Force; the risen Christos Sophia. She is the Infinite Body of the Goddess. She is us as we have integrated the soul energy and opened the portals of Wisdom, Love and Truth. We are all the sons and daughters of one Source. There is no competition and no judgement on the fallen identity and imposter spirit that took over our true self. It is nothing more than a shadow that will dissolve as we turn our faces towards the Sun and call forth the Moon within. This is the work of Building the Inner Temple of Light - the home of the sacred, the home of Infinite and the home of Eternal Love. 

With Solar Feminine Wisdom, Power & Divine Love,
Shannon Port

Light Body Yoga™ starts June 7th! - The Solar Revolution - Building the Inner Temple of Light

The Incorruptible Body of Light

The Incorruptible Body of Light

By Shannon Port

Within every human heart, there is planted a divine seed that has the potential to awaken the inner god/goddess consciousness of the human being. Until we awaken that seed, we cannot truly be called a human. Before we birth our Body of Light, we are closer to the animal nature of life and ruled by our five senses rather than the intuitive nature of our divine self. 

The number five has traditionally been associated with the fall in human consciousness for this very reason. It is also the number of awakening the Inner Teacher and regenerating the lost faculties of wisdom, power and love, as represented by the upright pentagram. The inverted pentagram represents the fall of consciousness and the powers of black magic that call upon the appetites of the lower sensual addictions.  

The world we live in, is for the most part asleep to the higher reality of life. We are hypnotized by the five senses and lulled into a passive state which becomes aggressive when we do not have our desires for pleasure and comfort met. We live in a world of holographic images that stimulates the desire-fear principles on an endless loop of patterns and programming. Until we have a glimpse of the illusion, a semi-awakening, we have no idea of the prison walls which keep us in the cycle of life and death in bondage. 

An Inverted Paradigm

The soul is for the most part trapped in a reality that does not serve its true purpose. The reality consists of a consciousness block that will only allow perception of what serves the five senses. It has been said that we see only ten percent of the spectrum of reality at a given time. Anything that threatens to awaken the inner consciousness is seen as not real because we live in an inverted paradigm. The truth of our power has been distorted and turned into an upside down reality, taking us far away from the multidimensional perceptions of our mind and our heart. We are encouraged to stay in this reality and to feed the inversion of energy and light; to stay trapped in the dense consciousness that lives on the appetites of the animal nature of the human being. 

As long as we are powered and controlled by the appetites of the five senses, we cannot know the intuitive and refined states of consciousness. Humanity is so far removed from this understanding that it would cringe to even contemplate letting go of the primal instinctive desires for a more subtle and expansive understanding of the human body, mind and soul. In no way does this mean that we must give up all things that we instinctually desire; we are only asked to  balance our desire for outer pleasure with the inner wisdom of our heart and it's deepest intuition.

The Emotional-Mental Bodies of the Animal Human

The two primary forces that create the electromagnetic field of the human being are the emotional body and the mental body. These principles of feeling and thought projection make up the lower nature of the feminine and masculine polarities of the human vehicle. Until one gains an understanding of their own emotional and mental nature, he or she remains utterly bound to the reality of the animal side of life. It is not possible to refine the consciousness of the auric field until there has been an awakening of the heart consciousness. It is the heart that allows one to see what is really there and to perceive the higher realities that exist beyond our third dimensional life forms. When the heart wakes up the mental body responds with new thoughts and divine light. 

Both the emotional and mental bodies of the collective human being have been programmed and mind controlled to produce a certain frequency of feelings and thoughts to hold together this reality. When a person begins to go beyond the programming, everything begins to shift in their life, and sometimes to fall apart to make room for a new consciousness to be born. If we are to see the truth, we must be shaken out of our anesthetized state of existence. For the most part, the collective human race accepts what they are told to do, what to buy, how to act and what to believe. Those who go against what they are told by the social and cultural programming are considered to be a bit crazy. There is nothing more threatening to the disfunction we see on the planet than an awakening consciousness that remembers how to think and feel from its higher perception and awareness.

The Reality of Above and Below

In our world we don't think much about the Above. Other than our religious views of heaven, we don't tend to want to know ourself as anything more than what we can see with our physical eyes. The feeling nature of the Intuitive Self is all but shut down to the reality of the Cosmos and the higher levels of our own being. All things exist in polarity in the seen world. We have outer and inner, male and the female, hot and cold, above and below, night and day, old and young and so forth. 

The animal human is the human being that exists in the lower world of consciousness. We are a seed of the divine soul that has been planted into matter; the soil of the lower density. Here we gather the dark elements to fertilize our seed into action. The elements we attract are magnetized to the karmic blueprint that we carry until we reverse the program. The divine seed is locked tightly in the human heart until the heart begins to thaw and feel the Life of the Above and be quickened by the cosmic rays of Life and Light. When our seed is planted it literally moves the stars in the heavens and begins a process of communication with the Above. The first rays of communication are to wake us up. We carry a pattern within us that must be repatterned if we are to know the nucleus of our own divine seed. Within the divine seed is the blueprint of our Body of Light. 

The Conscious Ascension Process and the Body of Light

As we begin to feel from our heart, we become aware that there is much more to life and much more to our purpose on earth. We start to feel dissatisfied with things as we see them in the world. For many, this feels like depression to recognize the disfunction and futility of the materialism, greed and lust that rule our planet. It can be very shocking to see things as they are rather than through the lens of programming. At this time we are guided to do the inner work of awakening. We are given the divine impulse to gain greater clarity and understanding of our emotional and mental nature and how this nature creates the building blocks and substance of our consciousness and our auric field. We then begin to see how our consciousness determines our life. 

The process is not easy, but once in motion, it is hard to turn back. In fact, once the door to the truth of the journey has been opened, one can never shut it all the way again. The Light of the Above begins to find us and to quicken our seed of divine life. The rays of light body consciousness start to make themselves felt in our subconscious mind and the solar force that has long been asleep begins to move. This is the beginning of the knowledge of our higher self and our connection with a vast life that extends into many dimensions of reality. 

The Inner Marriage of Masculine and Feminine

Within each of us, there exists a man and a woman; a masculine and feminine polarity of our own microcosm. We must first unite these two halves to become whole within our consciousness. This means that our heart and our mind must be aligned with each other and have equal expression in our life. We must seek to balance the emissive and receptive nature of ourself, and to know the inner and outer shades of our thoughts and feelings. There is only one way to create harmony and balance within, and that is to take conscious responsibility for what we produce with our emotional and mental faculties. 

There are many stages to waking up and many stages to coming into mastery of our inner and outer states of being. All of these stages must be experienced and realized before we can manifest our incorruptible Body of Light from the divine seed within our heart. We are indeed loved and treasured at every stage of this process, just as a mother loves her child unconditionally, even when they cause pain and suffering and hard work for her, she shows them tenderness. We do however, eventually have to grow up and take responsibility and develop spiritual maturity on the path, if we are to be given the ultimate power of Life through our light body consciousness. 

As we do the inner work, we experience all kinds of revelations of the chains of the past. The work of becoming conscious brings to the surface all of our patterning that will no longer serve us in our new state of being. This means that we will have situations arise that bring us face to face with our own inner demons and shadow so that they can be transmuted integrated into our consciousness to be used as the raw power that they are, for building our spiritual body of light. These shadow aspects can show up by our feelings or they can show up through an outer mirror. It makes no difference how they arrive, we must draw from the strength of our soul to break the pattern and see from the eye of our heart. 

The Alchemy of Christos Sophia and Christos Logos

As we complete the marriage of our own inner masculine and feminine in the heart's inner chamber, we are able to receive the highest stream of light consciousness and love from the Above. Until this time, we are protected from these rays, which could destroy a vessel that is not prepared for their intensity. Our readiness to receive this illumination is determined by the sound that comes from our auric field. This sound is the signature of our consciousness. The process is an entrainment of sound and light frequency and causes the body and soul to evolve through a mutation of the DNA and a raising of the awakened soul consciousness of the Christos Sophia to meet the Christos Logos Power of the spirit. This is the alchemical marriage of the soul and spirit and activates heaven on earth within the human auric field. The eternal and incorruptible Body of Light is born.

This process is governed by the Divine Mother, also known as the Goddess in many spiritual teachings. She is the Mother of creation and the Mother of our soul and she sends out her quintessence stream of consciousness from the Akashic Ocean of Life to raise her children into the glory of their true nature. She knows the heart of all of us. She loves us and she speaks to our heart intimately on our journey through matter. It is her sound and light vibrations that hold the entire Cosmos together. She is the ultimate power of Life and she gives us our life. She also grants us our powers as we awaken. It is she who sees what we are ready for and takes us through the initiations that are required for awakening.

Awakening Light Body Consciousness on Earth

The awakened light body consciousness is the vehicle of our ascension and gives us access to the boundlessness of creation. Many are beginning to feel the call to awaken and explore a new paradigm of life and learning. The teachings of the higher reality and the Body of Light are being held in a very sacred space at this time as humanity prepares to take a leap in the collective consciousness. This is not going to be easy. As we do our spiritual inventory and see the work that has to be done, we are given guidance from within and sometimes it comes from the outside. True wisdom on the outside is always a mirror of the soul's readiness to receive it. We are given what we can digest at the time as the process of transmuting and clearing out the blocks can be very intense work both emotionally and physically. 

One can always feel that they are being supported by the love of the Divine Mother and Inner Teacher who knows every step on the path. There is a feeling of being able to continue even when it is grueling and seems hopeless that any progress is being made. We have come to make this journey and we have infinite books of wisdom within our soul's cellular memory to guide us.

Now is the time of our awakening. We must be kind to each other and kind to ourself. There is no substitute for kindness and compassion. Without these, the sound of the auric field remains in the denser tonal signature and deflects the cosmic waves rather than taking them in or goes into fear in their presence.

We are doing lifetimes of healing in a very short period and so the process is accelerated in time. Time is collapsing as well and we are sensing the beginning of something very new and powerful on earth. This is the time of our birth into the mysteries of the Heart. We are here now, we have come so far, and we are all in it together. Those who have gone ahead always look back to assist the ones who are making their way. This is the way we love each other and the way we love ourself - we are truly, one Body of Love.

With Divine Love and Light Body Consciousness, 

Shannon Port



Copyright © 2016 Shannon Port. All rights reserved. This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, April 2016


Coming on Summer Solstice 2016!

Light Body Tantra

Healing in the New Human Sexual Paradigm

With Shannon Port

This ground breaking 7-week tele-course is a result of 17 years work with the Divine Feminine teachings and healing the relationship between the masculine and feminine on earth and within every human soul.

It will be a platform for healing and regenerating the most powerful force on earth - our sexuality. Humanity has been under a spell and been removed from the pure love and power of our human sexuality. We have been wounded in this area and as a result created much pain and suffering in our world.

I will be sending out a separate mailing with more information in May and in the May newsletter. If you are interested in deepening your understanding of the true meaning of sexuality and healing a wound that prevents you from expressing yourself on any level, this course will hold some gems. 

This is the fourth course that I've taught this past year and the last before I return to teach Light Body Yoga™ in the fall of 2016. 

Please contact me if you would like to be put on the list to receive more information as it comes out. 

With Love & Gratitude for this journey!
Shannon Port

Activating the Lost Word & the Language of Light

Activating the Lost Word & the Language of Light

By Shannon Port

At this time we are being reminded of the incredible Power of Love that the human heart has stored within its superior inner chamber. The human heart when linked with the awakened Spirit has the ability to overcome any obstacle and to create what it truly desires. The heart is the center of our Divine Presence and all power and movement comes from therein.  

There are many forces at work in the world right now. Many are competing for the attention of the human race. The way humanity faces the Shift that is occurring on Earth will be determined by the psychological state of the human mind and heart. The mind on its own is capable of great feats, however, it's highest function is to serve the stream of Divine Love and Intelligence that emanates from the heart center, and in doing so, ascend into the Divine Mind.  

The earth is rising in its vibrational density and receiving a river of Love and Life from the Sun. The beams of intelligence directed at our planet are carrying the blueprint of the Cosmic Christ Heart and the pure potential of the consciousness of humanity and all life. If we wish to hold this new and higher consciousness we must intend to match our frequency to it. 

Much information is coming to the attention of the mainstream now, due to this level of light intelligence on the surface of our planet. If we are not centered we can become overloaded with revelations of the knowledge that has been hidden for thousands of years. Even as this lost knowledge is very important to our own integration of polarity within our consciousness, we must be careful not to lose sight of the true source of our wisdom and power. The true source is Divine Love and it is the only portal that will allow us to permanently gain the Key to the Mysteries of Creation. 

The Heart is the Center of Gnosis and the Language of Light

An earnest heart can penetrate all the dark that has been deceiving humanity for centuries. We are awakening a New Wisdom, a wisdom that can discern with the intuition of the heart and the imagery of the Language of Light that helps us to access the Divine Word. The Divine Word is the language of the Christic force and it awakens matter to a new level of consciousness when it is spoken or transmitted from the purified heart. 

Because we have been taught for so long that the only path to knowledge is the human intellect, we have atrophied one of the greatest faculties of insight and wisdom that has been placed within the Divine Human Being. This faculty is what unites both Man and Woman with their Divine Parents that are within their body and consciousness. 

When we find ourself in a state of mental and emotional balance within, we are able to create a platform of Higher Emotions that hold the codes of the Secret Portals into the creative substance of the Heart. This higher substance is the Language of Light within our Soul. We are purely creative beings and we have access to all the Knowledge of our Creator through our Heart. This knowledge was lost to us when we lost access to the Divine Word. The purified Heart is the Holy Grail Chalice that contains the Sun of God, the Word of Light. 

The Wisdom of Divine Sophia is returning to Earth and humanity through the currents of light that are streaming onto our planet. The quintessence of our Source is sending an impulse to activate our true faculty of divine learning, activating both our Divine Mind and Pure Heart. 

Accessing the Essence of Life Force through the Feeling Center in the Heart

It may come as a great surprise to many to learn that we have the power to know many things through the Feeling Center of the Heart. This is the Feminine Portal of Wisdom and Healing. It has been suppressed for the entire consciousness cycle in the masses. 

Many people have no clue that it is our birthright to have natural and instantaneous insight and understanding of the creation in which we live. We have been taught that we must study and overuse the intellect and neglect the feminine faculties all together. In doing so, they have become lazy and distorted and can be easily scrambled by dark forces. 

Those in female embodiment have suffered greatly at the loss of their true power to connect directly to Source through their body and feelings. The female body has been turned into a idol of flesh to be worshipped and consumed in the lower consciousness, in service to the appetites of the fallen vampiric entities and the mass distortion of Shakti power and Feminine Force. This has caused a backlash of internal anger and rage now focused on a downward spiral of consciousness and has destroyed the true meaning of Love between the Masculine and the Feminine. 

When the Masculine and Feminine are separated in the Heart, we remain stuck in polarity consciousness and feed the matrix of Bondage of the human soul. 

Self-Healing is the Key to Planetary Healing

At this time we are being reminded that the Power of Love is the way to heal the split that has occurred not only within each one of us, but between the collective Man and Woman. We must start within ourself. Even if we do not have all the information of the levels of distortion in our paradigm, we can find our way home through the power of human soul love. We are capable of healing with our perception of Love. Once connected to this Source, we begin to rise and receive the Lost Word. 

If we choose to sift through all the information coming in though the media and alternate media, we can become locked in the intellect and held subject to the very same agenda that created the split in the first place. We need to be very nurturing and sensitive to our nervous system so that we do not go into panic and fear patterns that prevent our access to the nectar of Love within our being. 

We are meant to be informed, but not at the cost of our inner healing. It is true that having some information about the deceptions and lies that have ruled the Age will help many to begin the journey. But it is also true that many will become more stuck as they over identify themselves as victims of the Dark Forces. 

Whenever we fall into victim consciousness we automatically feed the negative agenda. It is natural to process any injustice, but it takes wisdom to heal and move on to the solution. At this time, the solution is to be found within our Heart. 

We as human beings have incredible power to activate the miraculous healing power of Love. To hold the state of higher Love for even three minutes can change our cellular structure and activate our divine memory and the Book of Life within our biology and DNA on many levels. Love is truly the Power of all powers. It is the Force of all forces. It conquers all things in whatever way is called for in the moment. 

Holding the Balance of Love on Earth

There are very powerful soul groups on the planet holding the balance of Love at this time. To learn how to hold the feminine Shakti power and anchor it on earth takes a pure and earnest heart. In truth, this is the fiercest work of all, holding the Goddess Love on earth, because it requires us to know the truth of what is happening and to still choose to go into the depths of Love and not fear. More and more of this frequency is flooding in and it needs receptor chalices (hearts) to be here. So few have any idea of what kind of wisdom and consciousness is really needed to hold this Love. But many souls are on the verge of entering the Mysteries of Divine Love through their honest desire to serve the human race in its awakening. 

We don't need to saturate ourselves with every detail of what has gone wrong to begin our healing. The fight between the Light and Dark is as old as creation and repeats itself as long as we participate within it. Some will be called to record the details of the layers of infiltration of the dark force; but it is recorded in our soul and we can access it when we need it for greater learning as we proceed on the journey. Any time we base our healing entirely on the intellect, we can be manipulated. There are times when we need to bypass the mind stuff and access the source of healing power within the higher feeling centers. 

The greatest gift of all is remembering that our Source sends us true Gnosis and Knowledge through our Heart and the sacred imagery of the Language of Light. Our heart is our direct link to Source. This language comes through geometries that burst into images and words through our intuition and feelings. As we learn to feel on the highest order, we know that we can never be forgotten or abandoned. The Source of All is within us! We are united to all Life everywhere and to our Original Self. 

It is required if we wish to speak with the Lost Word and the Language of Light that we rise above the ego self and the many forms and personalities that it has created within us. There are many who speak a spiritual language that have not yet cleared these forms. This clearing is absolutely necessary for our permanent entry into the Body of Light. When we enter into the mysteries of the Solar Logos, we are connected to a long lineage of souls who have raised the body and consciousness and who have a singular purpose to serve all Life in the pursuit of Freedom, Peace and Creativity in the Cosmos. 

In the Gnosis of the Great Divine Heart of Humanity!

With Love, Hope & Faith,

Shannon Port 

Copyright © 2016 Shannon Port. All rights reserved. This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, February 2016


The Depth of Inner Alchemy

The Depth of Inner Alchemy

By Shannon Port

The Planet and all beings connected with Her are taking an Initiation in Love at this time. We are being asked to integrate the outer Human Love with the Inner Divine Love. 
Most human beings have been so profoundly lost in the outer awareness, that they have no idea of the treasures they gave up when they fell from the Center of the Heart. Human love, as beautiful as it is, is connected to a frequency that depends on the illusion of the five senses and the programming of our personality by the past. We seek the other in the outer to complete a pattern that was started long ago. In doing so, we reinforce the emotions that we are seeking to heal. Every time we enter into the feeling of human Love, we have a chance to do just that - heal our emotional body and reconnect to the Universal Power of Divine Love. 
All love contains a spark of Truth and creates movement in the soul. When the soul moves the alchemy begins. Love is a feeling that goes into the Dark to call forth the lost parts of our being and those parts of ourself that want to be healed and integrated into our spiritual power. When the heart is involved, we are asked to surrender to the process of healing the personality so that it may merge with the Light of the Soul.
Wisdom and the Sacred Fire
Through the depths of the self-healing process we are being given the power and strength to work with the Sacred Fire of the Goddess's Heart and her Wisdom. This is a Power so great, that we must be prepared for It to enter our physical body. Her frequency of Divine Love is pure and like a liquid Fire and grants us the Creative Power to manifest all things, both spiritual and material. It is the Imagination and Will of the Mother's Heart, and can birth all things through Her Infinite Feeling Force. 
Many souls on the planet are doing the deep work of the Inner Alchemy at this time. This is a work that can bring us to our knees at times. We are being asked to allow the last projections of human desire to come up and be transmuted. The path that leads us to this Great Work of Transmutation is one of great humility and Understanding of the Presence within our Heart. Without our recognition of the Presence, we would never come so far as this stage of the Work. It is not possible to work with the Sacred Fire without many initiations of the soul.
It is meant to be known, that pain and suffering are never required, however, this Sacred Fire will call forth all human creations from the subconscious mind to be purified. This can feel like great suffering. These are the creations of our own projection, they were never given to us in our Divine Blueprint. They are a result of our Fall from the Garden of the Heart. When we feel the pain of this purification, it draws us deeper into our own Center where we find the Mysterious Light of the Inner and become initiated into the Wisdom. 
Awakening the Seeds of the Body of Light
Within the human Auric Field there are seeds of power that are dormant. Each seed is a key to awaken a vortex of Light within the soul. The principle seed lies within the Heart and the other seeds are in communication with this seed. The Heart has the ability to light all of the seeds and cause the dormant intelligences to wake up and shine. These vortexes are portals of Divine Light and Wisdom and they reconnect us to our Infinite Self and raise the physical body into the incorruptible Body of Light. 
We are preparing for the next stage of spiritual evolution of the human family. Not all beings are ready to approach this work, but the number is growing. We are transparent to our Spirit and being guided at all times. Most of the human race will need the assistance of the Light to begin the process of awakening and this will happen as more and more Light is able to be activated on the surface of our planet. 
There are souls and spiritual entities that have come to hold the space for this Light to be birthed in the Collective Heart on Earth during our activation cycle. Some of the souls have started the process of receiving the Divine Love of the Goddess's Heart. These souls have worked without rest for a period of time to prepare their vehicle to hold a Presence of the Logos Power and Mother's Heart in the world. Much of this work has been done in the Silence and has not been able to be known to the greater population. The frequency of this Presence can not be known or recognized until the veils are lifted and the human ego purified. 
Balancing the Auric Field
There is only one way to prepare the physical body and the lower bodies to receive the Wisdom of the Goddess's Heart. We must balance the emotions, feelings and thoughts of the outer self and purify the human desires. This can seem impossible when we are going through the depths of the Inner Alchemy and yet there must be Harmony to attract and resonate with Her Sacred Fire Power. 
The Logos Power will find Indestructible Harmony and make Its home in the Heart of those who find their way to the Center. As more and more Light comes in, we will make more progress and our efforts will be rewarded in an accelerated way; but only when we have prepared our consciousness. Each soul will do this work through his or her own Free Will.  
The Dark force has worked against this awakening process since the beginning of the Cycle, and yet we still have the ultimate power to succeed in the Inner Alchemy. As we commit our Heart and Soul to the Great Work, the Dark loses all power over us and we open the Gates of the Inner Reality. When we do this, those who have gone before us, the Ascended Host, are able to work through us. At this stage of our process we become a link in the Eternal Chain of Life. 

In Peace & Harmony,

Shannon Port

© Shannon Port 2015 All Rights Reserved, This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, November 2015



Coming in January 2016!

The Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light

The Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light

By Shannon Port

Humanity as a Consciousness is made up of many layers and many levels of Intelligence, Light and Love. There are different Beings holding space for the varied frequencies of consciousness to exist at the same time within the one Body of Love. 

The collective group of souls that makes up the Body of the Christ Logos that is the intermediary between humanity in the 3rd dimensional vehicle and the original Divine Human Blueprint in the Galactic Center, is known as the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light and sometimes referred to as the Great White Brotherhood. The use of the term white, refers to the purified Lunar Feminine Consciousness Mirror of the World Soul that has been alchemized and merged with the Spirit of the Divine Sacred Fire through the Solar Logos; also known as the Christ Logos Spirit. 

Those souls who are part of the human family and who have gone before us and completed the alchemy of the Inner Marriage of Spirit and Matter are holding the space of the collective Higher Self; the I AM Consciousness of the Human Race. They are performing a selfless service for the earth and humanity as well as all the elements and life forms during the ascending cycle and supporting us in ways that most people would not even dream about. 

This group of ascended Beings is responsible for the impulses within the human heart and psyche that advance human consciousness and move us along the return path, towards the Center of Life. We are all connected; no person or thing acts alone, regardless of the seeming separation of forms. The ascended Consciousness is the divine impulse of Light and Wisdom that serves us in moments of inspiration and great achievement. We are never alone and without the support of our Brethren. The Love that they constantly pour upon us is beyond anything that we can experience personally before knowing our own Higher Self intimately. They are the transmitters of the Mother's Holy Spirit Consciousness through the Solar Principle and they work through the the awakened Cosmic Word. 

The Bridal Chamber of Christ Sophia

Those on earth who have prepared their hearts throughout this and many lifetimes, are being groomed to receive an even greater communication with the Christ Logos Spirit. Souls who hold the awakened Sophianic Principle in their auric field are preparing for the Bridal Chamber of the Regeneration of the World Soul. The Bridal Chamber is a state of consciousness that invites the highest Initiation of the Human Being. It is the true Sacred Union of the Masculine and Feminine. This Great Work could not be done without the assistance of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light and the Love that they hold for Us.  

The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light is in constant contact with the Divine Mother Principle. It is through the Mother's Wisdom and Supernal Light that they are able to hold the space for humanity to awaken and heal the fallen consciousness. There have been many ideas spread about the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light in the past 150 years. Some of these ideas are true and some are not. It is important to note that not all beings contacting humanity and working with us are ascended in consciousness. They may be more advanced than us, but that is not the same as being ascended. The process of ascension is governed by Universal and Cosmic Laws and is the same for all Life. All Beings must reach the same frequency of Divine Universal Love to fully merge consciousness with the Christ Logos Spirit. 

At this time, the Beings holding this space wish for us to know that they are here for us, but we must clean up our consciousness and prepare the way for the Inner Marriage and the Bridal Chamber. There are no short cuts to the process and there is no way to fake the preparedness or state of mind and heart required for the alchemy. When we are ready, we will be guided meticulously through the process. 

The Great Work of Humanity

Many of the souls on earth who are contacted or who will be contacted in the near future, will be working both in the world and behind the scenes, to support the work of the Inner Plane Adepts. The frequency of this work can be recognized by its purity of Love, Intelligence and Intention. It is of the Divine Heart and it holds the frequency of what one might associate with the Christ Consciousness. This consciousness transcends religion or religious terminology. It is in the highest vibration of Humility, Respect, Generosity, Self-Love, Unity Consciousness, Great Silence (at times), Discipline, Understanding (of when to act and when to remain still), Containment (knowing when to speak and when to be silent), and Power of the Word. Although all humans are expressions of the divine and we all are equal; holding the balance of the Supernal Light at this time is a huge responsibility, and we would not want to hold it before we have prepared ourself because it is a power that can burn us if we are not ready for it. It is the Light of Lights - the Fire of the Divine, and it is not of this world. 

There has always been a certain amount of secrecy around the spiritual teachings and practices of alchemy and the Bridal Chamber. The truth is that there is no secrecy when we are ready to be in contact with the Inner Teachings. One who has made this contact will hold an Integrity and Love in their aura that is undeniable. We are given what we can handle. Our emotional state determines the quality of our Heart and its ability to unite with the Christ Logos Spirit and the Galactic Center. There is no judgment about this, only encouragement to busy ourselves with the Inner Work. 

All will come to the Bridal Chamber in their own time; it cannot be forced upon anyone. Some very high level initiates and master souls are doing work that requires that they are unprotected until the final hour. In this way, we cannot judge or know another's path. To judge another is the greatest set back we can experience. 

Liberation from the Underworld

This journey through the Underworld has been excruciating and many human beings are tired and feeling hopeless at times; sometimes we feel angry and sometimes self-righteous. We carry many emotions that have built up over the incarnations in this density and they are being released through our emotional body and nervous system at this time. This is a very important part of the process and it is critical that we clear the shadows before we try to embody the Supernal Light. There are souls on earth who have not cleared the ego but have become channels for some of the Wisdom and they can be very dangerous to say the least. They manifest the Spiritual Ego and start the process of the Fall in Consciousness all over again. 

It is true that we have enemies to contend with in this process and that the Dark Forces are strong and present as always. It is important to know that they cannot detour a determined soul from entering the Bridal Chamber. They can distract and cause chaos, but the one who is determined will be greeted by the Masters who will help to lead the way. It is important that we keep our focus on our own self-healing and spiritual growth and on Brotherly/Sisterly Love and not on fighting the Dark before we have purified our own consciousness. This is a fatal trap that often strengthens one's ego. We can fight best by going to our true Center of Power. As we rise in consciousness we fight from a new vantage point instead of on the terms of the Dark. The Great Work is the divine right of all Human Beings and it is only through its completion that real progress can be made. The Dark works hard to lure us away from the real Power of the Soul. This falls under the Secret Knowledge and is revealed to us as we make contact with our own Higher Self. 

Personal Discernment

We must have great discernment at this time and follow our heart when we are feeling centered and aligned with the inner dimension of our Being. This is the way to our Knowing and this is the way for the Masters of Love to make contact with us. We are living in very important times and there is so much Love to be given and received by all. We must tune in to it and cleave to the Truth. The Truth is the Inner Stillness found within the heart and it is the magical portal into Divine Gnosis. 

With Great Love and Joy, 

Shannon Port

© Shannon Port 2015 All Rights Reserved, This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, August 2015