We are in a process of deep transmutation as we move through the Solar Feminine Awakening Cycle as a planetary body and a human race. The Divine Mother is the overseer of all evolving consciousness and she holds our souls in loving embrace as we courageously transmute the elemental energies and lower thought forms of the 3D world. Through her initiations, we are alchemizing our consciousness to be the container for her highest Wisdom on Earth. 

Our consciousness was dipped in many frequencies when we entered the lower realms of matter. Some of them are karmic and connected with soul lessons and others are projected by the outer negative force that would like to keep the soul energy of human beings chained to the lower desires and embedded in the matrix of materialism and inorganic intelligence and technology. 

Many of the programs being released at this time in the name of advancement are meant to neutralize the link to our divine sovereign will power and direct our life-force into a technological world of distraction. This world harnesses our impulses and desires and feeds the energy into the lower consciousness field, while blocking the energy of the Heart.

We'll be facing many changes that will either awaken us or dull us into a deeper hypnotic trance as things continue to speed up. It's up to us to activate our Divine Feminine Shakti force and heart energy so that we can maintain union with the wisdom and power of our inner light and Spirit as we move forward into 2020. 

The Body of Desire & The Body of Light

Each one of us is dressed in a soul personality garment that carries the imperfections of the admixture of spirit and matter; our body of desire and belief. As we move through our life, we are given many signs showing us where our blocks and heavy energies are buried. Every trigger or emotional unhinging is an opportunity to connect with our authentic power and the Divine Will to harmonize, uplift, heal and activate. It is by this very process that we transmute the soul personality and begin to lay the foundation of our spiritual Light Body Consciousness to imprint our auric field and awaken union with the Universal Body of Love. 

We are the light, and we are in truth, one with the Source - but as time traveling sparks of Spirit, we took on energies that require our attention and healing. This is the Divine Feminine work of spiritualizing matter and activating our Creative Imagination and Divine Love. 

All of us are in this together. We can celebrate this journey, even with the negative forces that challenge us in so many ways. It is the force pressing up against us, that create the polarity to initiate the awakening. Our relationships are so important for seeing ourself in the mirror of the other. They give us the chance to own our own dark and transmute it. It's all a gift and love is the most powerful energy we have to give to ourself and the world.

The Solar Feminine Activation Codes for February 2020 are based on the archetypal wisdom of Key 12, The Hanged Man, & Key 18, The Dark Moon of Pisces. These are the archetypes of the tortured, starving, addicted artist and the crucified victim. We discuss the creative power of the human soul and how we can access the power to resurrect from victim consciousness to Victory consciousness; to embody the Return of the Divine Feminine Creative Principle in human consciousness! It's all happening, NOW. 

Wishing everyone a beautiful and creative Pisces New Moon on Feb. 21st!
With Love, Shannon 

The Dangers of Spiritual Arrogance and Ego

Art by Magdalena Korzeniewska

Art by Magdalena Korzeniewska

The Dangers of Spiritual Arrogance and Ego

By Shannon Port

One of the greatest dangers that we face at this time is coming from a spiritual arrogance that is growing in many of those who feel that they are here to serve humanity while remaining deeply attached to ego judgements of self-righteousness, envy, pride and even hatred. We are being assured that the heart is not able to perform it's highest function in the presence of these lower energetic feelings. In fact, it is this very arrogance and superiority complex that has caused human beings to fall into the lower consciousness and remain in bondage in the past. All feelings are meant to be honored, but they must also be seen and transmuted according to their spiritual value and purpose in the individual. Most lower feelings rising to the surface are meant to awaken one to the dangers of the self-righteous path. 

When we take a position of absolute knowing and judgment towards others, we are disabling our Inner Light from working through us. This does not mean that we are meant to look the other way or allow what is corrupt and harmful to humanity to remain in action; it means that we are encouraged to use the integrated power and wisdom of the divine heart and mind when we go into the world to work for positive change. 

Many of the various spiritual communities on earth are warring with each other and are in denial of their actions. Some of these wars are happening in the collective subconscious plane and have a huge impact on what we see in the world. They often times create more suffering that what we traditionally think of as a war, because when we awaken some consciousness, we are held more accountable for our thoughts and actions; we are capable of doing great harm when we misuse our power. These communities pose as bringers of peace and light and proceed to work with the lower subterranean forces to judge each other while each claiming that they hold the one truth. These futile battles are ancient and they are what holds humanity in the lower density, cut of from the greater Understanding of the whole of creation. Any one that claims to hold the one truth is working to clear the delusions of the ego. These wars are a continuation of a long battle of intellect/ego that spans throughout many timelines. They are a parasite in creation and pour toxic energy into the auric field of our planet and the elemental kingdoms. 

Understanding and the Sacred Vision of the Heart

In order to reach into the realms of clarity and vision of heart, we must find the truth within our consciousness that opens the path of inner union with our spirit. In this state, we are far more likely to do real and lasting good in our mission to serve each other. We first have to understand the interconnectedness to all life. 

The ego is very sneaky in how it lures us into judgment. It tells us that we are in danger because of a perceived attack on our own intellect and viewpoint. These battles engage the lower mind and intellect because it is a dual instrument and is always at war within itself. Without the integration of heart energy and wisdom, the intellect will go on creating a split in reality. The real motive behind the judgment is a fear of not being good enough, of not knowing who we truly are and of our relationship with our fellow human beings. We feel that we must compete to be right. When we do so, we lose our power, even if it feels like we win the battle temporarily. 

When we come into our greater Understanding, or come very close to making the deep inner connection with our own Divine Self, we change on many levels. One who has made this journey can recognize another who has merged into the consciousness of the whole. There is a power and yet there is a humility. There is a very profound change in the way we speak the Word. Our mission is to unite rather than divide and we are moved to see the truth in every being. All beings that have incarnated are capable of being seen as part of the whole. It is up to us to find the wholeness within ourself so that we can create it on the outside. 

The Great Shift and Individual Shadow Integration

It is true that there are many things that have been hidden from humanity to create even further chaos and loss of our real power. We have been manipulated and misguided on countless occasions by our religious leaders, politicians, and public figures. We have been fooled about the earth's history and been blinded to the cosmos and the life power that fills the universe. All of these things are meant to be cleared up and revealed soon so that we can experience a greater participation in manifestation. One thing that must be understood, however, is that there is no way around clearing the lower aspects of the personality. If we are loaded with the shadow self now, the Shift is not going to make it all go away. We are each responsible for our shadow integration and that means learning how to access the heart. 

There are millions upon millions of human beings who have taken the path of the lower forces, creating contraction, bondage and suffering on earth. We are not being asked to mingle with the dark or act foolishly in our discernment of what is healthy in our life. We are, however, asked to awaken the wisdom, which very few humans have come into contact with at this time.  

Taking a Deep Look Within our Being

All spiritual work and healing in the world must be balanced with time spent in deep contemplation and reflection on ourself. The inner and outer are equal in their importance and one will mirror the other. A person shows their true level of consciousness by their words and actions as well as by the thoughts that remain hidden in the mind. Nothing is really hidden; the auric field records every thought, feeling and instinctual impulse and colors us with the frequency of those records. We create our electro-magnetic field with our words and feelings and that in turn creates our reality. This is one of the high teachings that has been greatly misunderstood in the absence of wisdom. Our reality can be manipulated only when we give our power away through our focus and misguided intention. 

We have to take full responsibility for our personal healing if we are to make progress in helping others. Once we help ourself, we can help others to help themselves through our compassion and experience. The real work is always done by the soul and spirit of each person. Some have made more progress than others, but it makes no difference to one who has truly awakened. The only work of the awakened soul is to give of the infinite well of Divine Love to humanity; to become a link in the great chain of wisdom and light. 

Every Soul that Heals Awakens a Unique Gift for Humanity

Each person who receives the Understanding in his or her unique frequency gives a huge gift to the planet and all beings. The Understanding is the inner knowing of Oneness and cannot even be grasped until it is experienced on several levels. It brings such a joy and clarity that is beyond words. It changes us to know that what we see in the world is covered in a veil of ignorance. Once we know, we cannot help but to busy ourself with the work of loving and healing in whatever way we are called to it. 

The important thing at this time as we approach an even greater shift in consciousness on earth, is to know thyself and know where the blocks are being manipulated within us by the lower forces. They love for us to remain stuck in the ego battles within and without because it ties us down and limits our ability to love. If we can see it, we can transmute it with the help of the Divine Mother, who purifies our heart and emotional body with her currents of Divine Wisdom. 

We need not waste another minute battling from limitation when we are being offered the power of the Infinite. It is up to us to search for this truth within our heart, to find the path to love and activate the Force of all forces; the only power that can truly save the world! May all spiritual arrogance and ego be laid to rest so that we can use the power that has been given to us by our Source to create a magnificent world that honors the only truth - that we are One - scattered into billions of pieces so that we can remember the dance of life. 

With Love & Healing for All Beings,

Shannon Port 

Copyright © 2016 Shannon Port. All rights reserved. This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, March 2016