The Rise of the Creative Imagination



The Solstice Season has arrived and we are entering a great period of transformation in the collective psyche of humanity. Very few human beings realize how cut off they are from the power of their most important faculty of expression - the Creative Imagination.

The Creative Imagination is the true expression of the Divine Feminine in our consciousness and it is fueled by the power of Divine Love.

In these times, we face many changes that are expected to occur in our World. We see them happening already in our headlines and in our lives. It is the Creative Imagination that is going to birth the New Earth and activate the process of Ascension. We have to imagine it to take part in it consciously.

We must let go of the old ways of "thinking" about things and start to engage the greatest gift that we have been given to create as gods and goddesses. A gift that transcends the limitations of time and space.

Venus Conjunct the Dragon's Head at the June Solstice

As we enter the June Solstice portal, we have Venus in Leo conjunct the North Node of the Moon and Mars in Aquarius, preparing to retrograde, conjunct the South Node of the Moon.

The North Node and South Node represent the Dragon's head and tail in Vedic Astrology. The head, Rahu is the North Node, and the tail, Ketu, is the South Node. Venus, Mars, the Moon and the Sun are all important archetypes of the Creative Imagination - Venus being the heart, the feeling force and image maker of our reality.

Venus in Leo is in her most alchemical sign. In Leo, Venus transmits the Christic force to Earth. Leo is pure creativity and heart of the Lion. Venus is conjunct the North Node of the Moon showing us that we are to activate her gifts as we move through the powerful energies of Solstice. Mars stationing retrograde conjunct the South Node, is being regenerated and transformed in the Aquarian energies of the coming Age of Aquarius - The Age of the Heart.

Mars is getting a make over that will extend into the weeks ahead during the eclipses and Lion's Gate Portal. Mars represents power, aggression, sexual passion, and the fire of the Shakti force. This power has been inverted and used to harm and create war, rather than to heal and explore our true spiritual power. Mars is a very royal vibration when accessed through the higher octave of wisdom. It's primal power is positive when we are awake to our gifts and our true purpose on Earth.

Sacred Polarity of Mars & Venus

Venus and Mars are opposite each other at Solstice birthing their new relationship for the Age of Aquarius as we enter the last eclipses in Leo and Aquarius.

Venus is calling to all of us. She has been bound to the lower density of consciousness as humans have not understood their own power to create their reality with love. The archetypes are inseparable from our collective psyche. They mirror to us what we are projecting and can activate our awakening when we tune into their powerful relationship with the Limitless Light of the Galactic Heart.

The Dragon is the substance of the Creative Imagination and Venus is it's activator. Together they are the energies of creative power and love. The Dragon rules over water, the Moon, and Venus rules over the shape that substance (Akasha) takes through our desires. They are the feeling, sensing and emotional Ether of the Dream.

A New Direction of Healing

t's time for all of us to take a new direction in our ability to create our reality. Every one of us has a very crucial role to play at this time. We each have something to create, invent or imagine that will have an enormous effect on the way things evolve in the next seven years. It's time to wake up and create. Rather than trying to fight or take down the old system, CREATE THE NEW SYSTEM. We need to see the the fallen ways and then toss them asside and get busy! We can activate human consciousness and create a tidal wave of movement with the Dragon's force behind us!


The soul who is creating from the heart is a happy and determined soul and is given much help from the Ocean of Life. The positive energies of Divine Love are awakened in the one who creates from their own power. We are living in a disempowered reality that has been hacked by the thought forms which have been projected from our lower emotional body. All of Life is energy. As co-creators we are in school to learn how to run our energy so that we can be god-like and royal in our ways.

Dream big or small and act on your dreams. It makes no difference who you are - we all have the same Gift and the same Creative Imagination of the Divine Feminine.

The most surprising achievements can come from the meek and the humble. We are entering the Age of the Heart which means we are entering the Age of the Creative Imagination.

With Love & Creative Power,


Shannon Port

Technology of the Goddess



Within every human being there exists a beautiful power and a foundation that creates everything in our individual and collective world. She is our inner High Priestess and she is at our service night and day. She works very powerfully when we are sleeping and if we talk to her and merge with her before we drift off into the inner dimension, she will carry out our requests in perfect detail in both our waking and sleeping hours. Anytime we experience a loss of our power it is due to our own ignorance and forgetting of our Inner Spiritual Technology. The world we live in pulls hard at our connection to this power, often causing us to betray ourself and our heart.

All of us are the power of Spirit in form. The Goddess placed Herself within each one of us so that we could all take part in the glory of this Creation. We search and search for meaning and power and forget that her Wisdom is closer to us than our own breath. She is the power of all that is seen and unseen. Everything in existence has been birthed by Her, and in truth by each one of us. Both the Light and the Dark are creations of the Divine Mother. There is nothing to fear; we need only make order in our own consciousness to watch the world before us take a new shape. Loving ourselves and the process is the fastest way to open to our own magic and creative power.

Inner Alignment

It is our inner alignment that determines where we find ourselves in every moment. The space we hold in our consciousness connects us to a specific frequency location on the time-space continuum. All inner communication from the Cosmos is matched to what we are able to contain in our awareness. It is also true that we mirror with those things that are meant to teach us or activate us; those situations that create the polarity integration necessary for our healing. In this way it pays to be awake and aware of everything that enters our field of awareness. Many of us have been placed in parts of the Body of Humanity and Earth that need our awareness and our love. As uncomfortable as this can be at times, we always have the depth of our connection to the Light within us.

Artificial Intelligence - A.I.

The A.I. systems of this world are designed to scramble our inner connection and make it nearly impossible for us to understand and perceive the Inner Sanctuary and the Great Hall of Learning of the higher self. They reach us at a shallow level and stimulate the animal soul, creating cravings, confusion, longings, comparisons, fear, sexual desire at the base level, along with depression and anxiety. This is having a huge effect on the human population. The collective confusion in sexuality is at an all time high. It is this confusion that shuts down conscious access to the vital body of the soul. On good days we might feel like we are getting ahead and doing well, and on challenging days we feel overcome with hopelessness and pain. It becomes an endless cycle of ups and downs. This is why it is so important to learn how to create and maintain the positive inner alignment. This positive alignment helps us to process all painful feelings and transmute their energy into greater self-worth and self-love.

Goddess Technology

Each of us is a center of expression of the Divine Mother Shakti-force. We have our own power source and creative force built into our being. That expression knows exactly why we are here and it holds the divine template of our highest mission on Earth. When we consciously connect to the divine blueprint of our soul, we are given the direction and the resources to carry out our unique mission. This is the only thing required of us; to know thyself and know thy gifts and marry them to creation. The world about us gives the illusion of success. The new social media platforms are all designed to keep the animal soul active. On one hand they create connection and excitement, but on the other hand it is a numbers game. There is heightened awareness of personal fame, popularity and competition. All things are celebritized. There is nothing wrong with recognition, success and being seen, but this has brought the sacred up to a shallow level and encouraged adults and young children alike to play in the game; quite often without realizing it. Energetically we can feel it when we sell out to an inorganic system. There is a way to use the system and remain true to who we are and that is the key to the Inner Spiritual Technology.

Our inner gifts and Goddess Technology are activated when we begin to surrender to our inner truth. This means going much deeper than the personality level of who we are. It requires Desire, Focus, Purity, Wisdom and Power. All of these are the etheric elemental powers of our Inner Being. Nobody can activate them for us. It is up to each one of us to make contact with these inner archetypes and embody them. The lust and materialism of this world is very seductive. It distracts us from the real technology of the Soul. This entire drama is about claiming our inner Goddess Technology. The Dark forces are the result of our loss of the inner projection of Light. The Divine Mother has created all form through our human projection. In order to have the final Victory, it is we who must slay the inner dragons of our own subconscious mind. Humanity has so much power. We throw our power away with blame and victimhood. The story of pain and suffering ends when we claim the truth of who we really are. We are each the power of the Soul and Spirit. The Christos and the Sophia joined in Sacred Union. All things that appear in the outer world are created first in the inner world on the astral level, and that is where we have the most power to redefine what we experience. Our feelings are the key to the astral world. Learning how to feel our way into the Central Command Center is the Grail of our existence.

It is important for us to take inventory of what has happened in our world for us to gain entry into the higher Understanding and Wisdom. We must use the power of our Vision and Hearing to open the inner stream of knowledge and activate our powerful Feeling Force. As soon as we see the horrors, it is up to us to return to our inner Goddess Technology and have the revelation of our inner High Priestess. She will show us exactly what to do.

Relationships & the Great Shift on Earth

The light that is streaming to Earth at this time from the center of our galaxy and beyond is the Beginning touching the End. We are both, remembering who we are in this dance of life. The quintessence light that is of a higher wisdom and intelligence is alchemizing our consciousness through the etheric sunlight fluid. This is only going to increase in the coming weeks, months and years. All of humanity is feeling this shift in consciousness. It is calling forth all discord and negative emotions from the depths of our soul so that we can face them and reclaim our spiritual power and inner technology to be used for our awakening. We are meant to embrace this time. We are meant to use the compression to activate our Inner Spiritual Technology. The awakening of our Goddess Technology is the full embodiment of the Divine Love.

It is through relationships that we are given the opportunity to see the reflection of our soul. All of creation is a relationship. We are required to learn all that there is to learn in relationships. There are times when we are given the space to deepen our relationship to our Self, but we are never encouraged to run away from the feelings that are alchemized in relationships. When we are able to access our Inner Spiritual Technology in relationships, we will know another level of the Divine. This is the reason for the platform of physical creation.

Our relationship to the Earth, to the Cosmos and to each other is the key to our feelings of connectedness. May we all know the power of this awakening and celebrate the creativity that is our sovereign divine birthright.

With Love & Pure Connection to the Goddess of our Heart!

Shannon Port