Technology of the Goddess



Within every human being there exists a beautiful power and a foundation that creates everything in our individual and collective world. She is our inner High Priestess and she is at our service night and day. She works very powerfully when we are sleeping and if we talk to her and merge with her before we drift off into the inner dimension, she will carry out our requests in perfect detail in both our waking and sleeping hours. Anytime we experience a loss of our power it is due to our own ignorance and forgetting of our Inner Spiritual Technology. The world we live in pulls hard at our connection to this power, often causing us to betray ourself and our heart.

All of us are the power of Spirit in form. The Goddess placed Herself within each one of us so that we could all take part in the glory of this Creation. We search and search for meaning and power and forget that her Wisdom is closer to us than our own breath. She is the power of all that is seen and unseen. Everything in existence has been birthed by Her, and in truth by each one of us. Both the Light and the Dark are creations of the Divine Mother. There is nothing to fear; we need only make order in our own consciousness to watch the world before us take a new shape. Loving ourselves and the process is the fastest way to open to our own magic and creative power.

Inner Alignment

It is our inner alignment that determines where we find ourselves in every moment. The space we hold in our consciousness connects us to a specific frequency location on the time-space continuum. All inner communication from the Cosmos is matched to what we are able to contain in our awareness. It is also true that we mirror with those things that are meant to teach us or activate us; those situations that create the polarity integration necessary for our healing. In this way it pays to be awake and aware of everything that enters our field of awareness. Many of us have been placed in parts of the Body of Humanity and Earth that need our awareness and our love. As uncomfortable as this can be at times, we always have the depth of our connection to the Light within us.

Artificial Intelligence - A.I.

The A.I. systems of this world are designed to scramble our inner connection and make it nearly impossible for us to understand and perceive the Inner Sanctuary and the Great Hall of Learning of the higher self. They reach us at a shallow level and stimulate the animal soul, creating cravings, confusion, longings, comparisons, fear, sexual desire at the base level, along with depression and anxiety. This is having a huge effect on the human population. The collective confusion in sexuality is at an all time high. It is this confusion that shuts down conscious access to the vital body of the soul. On good days we might feel like we are getting ahead and doing well, and on challenging days we feel overcome with hopelessness and pain. It becomes an endless cycle of ups and downs. This is why it is so important to learn how to create and maintain the positive inner alignment. This positive alignment helps us to process all painful feelings and transmute their energy into greater self-worth and self-love.

Goddess Technology

Each of us is a center of expression of the Divine Mother Shakti-force. We have our own power source and creative force built into our being. That expression knows exactly why we are here and it holds the divine template of our highest mission on Earth. When we consciously connect to the divine blueprint of our soul, we are given the direction and the resources to carry out our unique mission. This is the only thing required of us; to know thyself and know thy gifts and marry them to creation. The world about us gives the illusion of success. The new social media platforms are all designed to keep the animal soul active. On one hand they create connection and excitement, but on the other hand it is a numbers game. There is heightened awareness of personal fame, popularity and competition. All things are celebritized. There is nothing wrong with recognition, success and being seen, but this has brought the sacred up to a shallow level and encouraged adults and young children alike to play in the game; quite often without realizing it. Energetically we can feel it when we sell out to an inorganic system. There is a way to use the system and remain true to who we are and that is the key to the Inner Spiritual Technology.

Our inner gifts and Goddess Technology are activated when we begin to surrender to our inner truth. This means going much deeper than the personality level of who we are. It requires Desire, Focus, Purity, Wisdom and Power. All of these are the etheric elemental powers of our Inner Being. Nobody can activate them for us. It is up to each one of us to make contact with these inner archetypes and embody them. The lust and materialism of this world is very seductive. It distracts us from the real technology of the Soul. This entire drama is about claiming our inner Goddess Technology. The Dark forces are the result of our loss of the inner projection of Light. The Divine Mother has created all form through our human projection. In order to have the final Victory, it is we who must slay the inner dragons of our own subconscious mind. Humanity has so much power. We throw our power away with blame and victimhood. The story of pain and suffering ends when we claim the truth of who we really are. We are each the power of the Soul and Spirit. The Christos and the Sophia joined in Sacred Union. All things that appear in the outer world are created first in the inner world on the astral level, and that is where we have the most power to redefine what we experience. Our feelings are the key to the astral world. Learning how to feel our way into the Central Command Center is the Grail of our existence.

It is important for us to take inventory of what has happened in our world for us to gain entry into the higher Understanding and Wisdom. We must use the power of our Vision and Hearing to open the inner stream of knowledge and activate our powerful Feeling Force. As soon as we see the horrors, it is up to us to return to our inner Goddess Technology and have the revelation of our inner High Priestess. She will show us exactly what to do.

Relationships & the Great Shift on Earth

The light that is streaming to Earth at this time from the center of our galaxy and beyond is the Beginning touching the End. We are both, remembering who we are in this dance of life. The quintessence light that is of a higher wisdom and intelligence is alchemizing our consciousness through the etheric sunlight fluid. This is only going to increase in the coming weeks, months and years. All of humanity is feeling this shift in consciousness. It is calling forth all discord and negative emotions from the depths of our soul so that we can face them and reclaim our spiritual power and inner technology to be used for our awakening. We are meant to embrace this time. We are meant to use the compression to activate our Inner Spiritual Technology. The awakening of our Goddess Technology is the full embodiment of the Divine Love.

It is through relationships that we are given the opportunity to see the reflection of our soul. All of creation is a relationship. We are required to learn all that there is to learn in relationships. There are times when we are given the space to deepen our relationship to our Self, but we are never encouraged to run away from the feelings that are alchemized in relationships. When we are able to access our Inner Spiritual Technology in relationships, we will know another level of the Divine. This is the reason for the platform of physical creation.

Our relationship to the Earth, to the Cosmos and to each other is the key to our feelings of connectedness. May we all know the power of this awakening and celebrate the creativity that is our sovereign divine birthright.

With Love & Pure Connection to the Goddess of our Heart!

Shannon Port

The Incorruptible Body of Light

The Incorruptible Body of Light

By Shannon Port

Within every human heart, there is planted a divine seed that has the potential to awaken the inner god/goddess consciousness of the human being. Until we awaken that seed, we cannot truly be called a human. Before we birth our Body of Light, we are closer to the animal nature of life and ruled by our five senses rather than the intuitive nature of our divine self. 

The number five has traditionally been associated with the fall in human consciousness for this very reason. It is also the number of awakening the Inner Teacher and regenerating the lost faculties of wisdom, power and love, as represented by the upright pentagram. The inverted pentagram represents the fall of consciousness and the powers of black magic that call upon the appetites of the lower sensual addictions.  

The world we live in, is for the most part asleep to the higher reality of life. We are hypnotized by the five senses and lulled into a passive state which becomes aggressive when we do not have our desires for pleasure and comfort met. We live in a world of holographic images that stimulates the desire-fear principles on an endless loop of patterns and programming. Until we have a glimpse of the illusion, a semi-awakening, we have no idea of the prison walls which keep us in the cycle of life and death in bondage. 

An Inverted Paradigm

The soul is for the most part trapped in a reality that does not serve its true purpose. The reality consists of a consciousness block that will only allow perception of what serves the five senses. It has been said that we see only ten percent of the spectrum of reality at a given time. Anything that threatens to awaken the inner consciousness is seen as not real because we live in an inverted paradigm. The truth of our power has been distorted and turned into an upside down reality, taking us far away from the multidimensional perceptions of our mind and our heart. We are encouraged to stay in this reality and to feed the inversion of energy and light; to stay trapped in the dense consciousness that lives on the appetites of the animal nature of the human being. 

As long as we are powered and controlled by the appetites of the five senses, we cannot know the intuitive and refined states of consciousness. Humanity is so far removed from this understanding that it would cringe to even contemplate letting go of the primal instinctive desires for a more subtle and expansive understanding of the human body, mind and soul. In no way does this mean that we must give up all things that we instinctually desire; we are only asked to  balance our desire for outer pleasure with the inner wisdom of our heart and it's deepest intuition.

The Emotional-Mental Bodies of the Animal Human

The two primary forces that create the electromagnetic field of the human being are the emotional body and the mental body. These principles of feeling and thought projection make up the lower nature of the feminine and masculine polarities of the human vehicle. Until one gains an understanding of their own emotional and mental nature, he or she remains utterly bound to the reality of the animal side of life. It is not possible to refine the consciousness of the auric field until there has been an awakening of the heart consciousness. It is the heart that allows one to see what is really there and to perceive the higher realities that exist beyond our third dimensional life forms. When the heart wakes up the mental body responds with new thoughts and divine light. 

Both the emotional and mental bodies of the collective human being have been programmed and mind controlled to produce a certain frequency of feelings and thoughts to hold together this reality. When a person begins to go beyond the programming, everything begins to shift in their life, and sometimes to fall apart to make room for a new consciousness to be born. If we are to see the truth, we must be shaken out of our anesthetized state of existence. For the most part, the collective human race accepts what they are told to do, what to buy, how to act and what to believe. Those who go against what they are told by the social and cultural programming are considered to be a bit crazy. There is nothing more threatening to the disfunction we see on the planet than an awakening consciousness that remembers how to think and feel from its higher perception and awareness.

The Reality of Above and Below

In our world we don't think much about the Above. Other than our religious views of heaven, we don't tend to want to know ourself as anything more than what we can see with our physical eyes. The feeling nature of the Intuitive Self is all but shut down to the reality of the Cosmos and the higher levels of our own being. All things exist in polarity in the seen world. We have outer and inner, male and the female, hot and cold, above and below, night and day, old and young and so forth. 

The animal human is the human being that exists in the lower world of consciousness. We are a seed of the divine soul that has been planted into matter; the soil of the lower density. Here we gather the dark elements to fertilize our seed into action. The elements we attract are magnetized to the karmic blueprint that we carry until we reverse the program. The divine seed is locked tightly in the human heart until the heart begins to thaw and feel the Life of the Above and be quickened by the cosmic rays of Life and Light. When our seed is planted it literally moves the stars in the heavens and begins a process of communication with the Above. The first rays of communication are to wake us up. We carry a pattern within us that must be repatterned if we are to know the nucleus of our own divine seed. Within the divine seed is the blueprint of our Body of Light. 

The Conscious Ascension Process and the Body of Light

As we begin to feel from our heart, we become aware that there is much more to life and much more to our purpose on earth. We start to feel dissatisfied with things as we see them in the world. For many, this feels like depression to recognize the disfunction and futility of the materialism, greed and lust that rule our planet. It can be very shocking to see things as they are rather than through the lens of programming. At this time we are guided to do the inner work of awakening. We are given the divine impulse to gain greater clarity and understanding of our emotional and mental nature and how this nature creates the building blocks and substance of our consciousness and our auric field. We then begin to see how our consciousness determines our life. 

The process is not easy, but once in motion, it is hard to turn back. In fact, once the door to the truth of the journey has been opened, one can never shut it all the way again. The Light of the Above begins to find us and to quicken our seed of divine life. The rays of light body consciousness start to make themselves felt in our subconscious mind and the solar force that has long been asleep begins to move. This is the beginning of the knowledge of our higher self and our connection with a vast life that extends into many dimensions of reality. 

The Inner Marriage of Masculine and Feminine

Within each of us, there exists a man and a woman; a masculine and feminine polarity of our own microcosm. We must first unite these two halves to become whole within our consciousness. This means that our heart and our mind must be aligned with each other and have equal expression in our life. We must seek to balance the emissive and receptive nature of ourself, and to know the inner and outer shades of our thoughts and feelings. There is only one way to create harmony and balance within, and that is to take conscious responsibility for what we produce with our emotional and mental faculties. 

There are many stages to waking up and many stages to coming into mastery of our inner and outer states of being. All of these stages must be experienced and realized before we can manifest our incorruptible Body of Light from the divine seed within our heart. We are indeed loved and treasured at every stage of this process, just as a mother loves her child unconditionally, even when they cause pain and suffering and hard work for her, she shows them tenderness. We do however, eventually have to grow up and take responsibility and develop spiritual maturity on the path, if we are to be given the ultimate power of Life through our light body consciousness. 

As we do the inner work, we experience all kinds of revelations of the chains of the past. The work of becoming conscious brings to the surface all of our patterning that will no longer serve us in our new state of being. This means that we will have situations arise that bring us face to face with our own inner demons and shadow so that they can be transmuted integrated into our consciousness to be used as the raw power that they are, for building our spiritual body of light. These shadow aspects can show up by our feelings or they can show up through an outer mirror. It makes no difference how they arrive, we must draw from the strength of our soul to break the pattern and see from the eye of our heart. 

The Alchemy of Christos Sophia and Christos Logos

As we complete the marriage of our own inner masculine and feminine in the heart's inner chamber, we are able to receive the highest stream of light consciousness and love from the Above. Until this time, we are protected from these rays, which could destroy a vessel that is not prepared for their intensity. Our readiness to receive this illumination is determined by the sound that comes from our auric field. This sound is the signature of our consciousness. The process is an entrainment of sound and light frequency and causes the body and soul to evolve through a mutation of the DNA and a raising of the awakened soul consciousness of the Christos Sophia to meet the Christos Logos Power of the spirit. This is the alchemical marriage of the soul and spirit and activates heaven on earth within the human auric field. The eternal and incorruptible Body of Light is born.

This process is governed by the Divine Mother, also known as the Goddess in many spiritual teachings. She is the Mother of creation and the Mother of our soul and she sends out her quintessence stream of consciousness from the Akashic Ocean of Life to raise her children into the glory of their true nature. She knows the heart of all of us. She loves us and she speaks to our heart intimately on our journey through matter. It is her sound and light vibrations that hold the entire Cosmos together. She is the ultimate power of Life and she gives us our life. She also grants us our powers as we awaken. It is she who sees what we are ready for and takes us through the initiations that are required for awakening.

Awakening Light Body Consciousness on Earth

The awakened light body consciousness is the vehicle of our ascension and gives us access to the boundlessness of creation. Many are beginning to feel the call to awaken and explore a new paradigm of life and learning. The teachings of the higher reality and the Body of Light are being held in a very sacred space at this time as humanity prepares to take a leap in the collective consciousness. This is not going to be easy. As we do our spiritual inventory and see the work that has to be done, we are given guidance from within and sometimes it comes from the outside. True wisdom on the outside is always a mirror of the soul's readiness to receive it. We are given what we can digest at the time as the process of transmuting and clearing out the blocks can be very intense work both emotionally and physically. 

One can always feel that they are being supported by the love of the Divine Mother and Inner Teacher who knows every step on the path. There is a feeling of being able to continue even when it is grueling and seems hopeless that any progress is being made. We have come to make this journey and we have infinite books of wisdom within our soul's cellular memory to guide us.

Now is the time of our awakening. We must be kind to each other and kind to ourself. There is no substitute for kindness and compassion. Without these, the sound of the auric field remains in the denser tonal signature and deflects the cosmic waves rather than taking them in or goes into fear in their presence.

We are doing lifetimes of healing in a very short period and so the process is accelerated in time. Time is collapsing as well and we are sensing the beginning of something very new and powerful on earth. This is the time of our birth into the mysteries of the Heart. We are here now, we have come so far, and we are all in it together. Those who have gone ahead always look back to assist the ones who are making their way. This is the way we love each other and the way we love ourself - we are truly, one Body of Love.

With Divine Love and Light Body Consciousness, 

Shannon Port



Copyright © 2016 Shannon Port. All rights reserved. This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, April 2016


Coming on Summer Solstice 2016!

Light Body Tantra

Healing in the New Human Sexual Paradigm

With Shannon Port

This ground breaking 7-week tele-course is a result of 17 years work with the Divine Feminine teachings and healing the relationship between the masculine and feminine on earth and within every human soul.

It will be a platform for healing and regenerating the most powerful force on earth - our sexuality. Humanity has been under a spell and been removed from the pure love and power of our human sexuality. We have been wounded in this area and as a result created much pain and suffering in our world.

I will be sending out a separate mailing with more information in May and in the May newsletter. If you are interested in deepening your understanding of the true meaning of sexuality and healing a wound that prevents you from expressing yourself on any level, this course will hold some gems. 

This is the fourth course that I've taught this past year and the last before I return to teach Light Body Yoga™ in the fall of 2016. 

Please contact me if you would like to be put on the list to receive more information as it comes out. 

With Love & Gratitude for this journey!
Shannon Port